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3 Lebanon School District Demographic Profile Area: 81.9 square miles Total Population (2010 U.S. Census Bureau estimate): 25,477 Enrollment 2012-13: 4,893 Ethnic Diversity White: 36% Black: 6% Hispanic: 52% Native American:.18% Asian:.84% Multi-Racial: 4.13% Free and Reduced Lunch: 80% Post-Secondary Education Rate: 16 year average: 66% Lebanon School District Demographic Profile Area: 81.9 square miles Total Population (2010 U.S. Census Bureau estimate): 25,477 Enrollment 2012-13: 4,893 Ethnic Diversity White: 36% Black: 6% Hispanic: 52% Native American:.18% Asian:.84% Multi-Racial: 4.13% Free and Reduced Lunch: 80% Post-Secondary Education Rate: 16 year average: 66%



6 Landscaper Effect –See the fruits of your labor –Decrease frustration –What’s working / what’s not working - Really! –Counteract students’ “Blank Stare Defense” Educate the Publics –Administrators, Parents, Teachers, Students Schools / School Counselors have evolved… We need to educate people on the role of the modern school counselor

7 The numbers don’t lie - that ‘s a lie! –Savvy researches can manipulate the numbers to fit their interest –We have to be prepared to advocate for our programs and prove their effectiveness Accountability –NCLB - education put itself in this position… –Prove what you do - Educate –Do it your way - before it is forced upon you

8 Unification of department - on the same page philosophically - “One Team One Goal” Department identity - we take charge of identifying what counseling programs are supposed look like Increased Department credibility with all stakeholders Increased Department influence on the school Teachers and students see counselors in classrooms and in action ~ teaching kids! ASCA Model Role clarification - people don’t have to guess what you do - they see it!

9 Factor Analysis, Multivariate ANOVA’s and You… You don’t need to be complicated to be effective –You don’t have the time for complicated –Simple, clear and consistent is better than complex Data do not have to cause fear! Think about the data report - in the beginning - before you gather the numbers - what is your purpose? Build your intervention around that purpose.Think about the data report - in the beginning - before you gather the numbers - what is your purpose? Build your intervention around that purpose. ANOVA? Factor Analysis, MANOVA - none of this need apply - –Pre-Post surveys, means, averages, sums, qualitative responses Take Dr. Sabella’s Counselor Computer Boot Camp - save yourself months of frustration

10 10 Advocacy Constantly tell others about what your program is doing for the students in your school ~ Identify an advocacy group Maintain a presence and be an influence - don’t make people guess what you do …educate parents, students, administrators Meet at least twice yearly with your advocacy group to share your results

11 Paradigm Shift: A New Professional Identity We have the power to change how we function AND how we are perceived… Support Role  Essential Role Passive Control  Active Control Process Oriented  Data Driven

12 12 Speaking of Data…  Data should measure student growth in the academic, personal/social, and career domains  Data may be both Quantitative and Qualitative - both are necessary and useful  Data should ‘tell the story’ of your counseling interventions and represent results based on your yearly goals  Data should be collected from all forms of intervention; Classroom, Small Group, and Closing the Gap  Data should direct future program goals and interventions

13 Data Templates Counselor Time and Task Analysis Lesson Data Master NCAA Qualifier Student Contact Analysis Post-Secondary Planning - Application Tracker Career Planning Lesson – Template Post-Secondary Planning Template Seniors - College Planning Template Monthly and Year End Reports Samples Counselor Time Analysis Template-Guide Sheet Needs Assessment Survey - Faculty

14 In Summary… Using data provides you with an opportunity to examine your program through the lens of the ASCA model. Data can help you conduct valid audit of your program - what’s working? Be Patient - Fluid - Determined –Time will help you build a model program. No two programs are the same. The ASCA model provides the framework for programming that meets the needs of your learning community.

15 When people ask what your program does… – Can you tell them? – Can you tell them that it is working? –Why/why not? –How are you adjusting? – Can you prove it? – How are kids different because of your programs? Can you stand up for your program and the needs of the kids you work for and make a legitimate argument?


17 Tim Poynton School Counselor Educator at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts

18 ASCA National Model Great Resource Electronic Version Many Templates

19 Dr. Russ Sabella Data Boot Camp

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