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CS 2430 Day 35. Agenda Introduction to linked lists Bag as linked list Stack as linked list.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 2430 Day 35. Agenda Introduction to linked lists Bag as linked list Stack as linked list."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 2430 Day 35

2 Agenda Introduction to linked lists Bag as linked list Stack as linked list

3 Growing slowly Do you remember the grow() method? What is its big O complexity? O(N), where N is the number of elements in the Bag, Queue, etc. Therefore, add(), enqueue(), etc., had worst case big O of O(N)

4 Growing faster Can we make a growable Bag class with O(1) worst case add() method? Yes, we can! We cannot use an array We will use a “linked list”

5 Introduction to linked lists

6 Linked lists Arrays are random access, i.e., access to array element is O(1) Linked lists can have data scattered all over memory Therefore, linked lists are (mostly) sequential access

7 Nodes Each element of a linked list is a Node Nodes have “info” and “next” fields The “next” field points to the next node in the list

8 The Node class class Node { public Object info; public Node next;// Note the type! public Node(Object theInfo, Node theNext) { info = theInfo; next = theNext; } }

9 An empty list Node list; // points to null... ► ► Ølist

10 Insert x at the back list = new Node(x, null);... What is the big O? O(1) ► ► xlistØØ

11 Insert y at the back = new Node(y, null);... ► ► listxØyØ

12 Insert z at the back = new Node(z, null);... ► ► listxØyØz

13 Delete from the front list =;... What is the big O? O(1) ► ► listxyzØ

14 Insert at front list = new Node(w, list);... What is the big O? O(1) ► ► list w yzØ

15 Print everything out Node p = list; while (p != null) { System.out.println(; p =; } ► ► ► ► ► ► list p xyzØ

16 Always draw pictures when working linked list problems

17 Any questions?

18 Go to THE THING:

19 Growable Bag as linked list public class Bag { private Node list; public Bag() {... } public boolean add(Object obj) {... } // insert at front public boolean isEmpty() {... } public int size() {... } public void reset() {... } public boolean contains(Object target) {... } public boolean remove(Object obj) {... } } We will do some of the methods

20 public class Bag { private Node list; public boolean add(Object obj) { list = new Node(obj, list); return true; } }

21 public class Bag { private Node list;... public boolean isEmpty() { return list == null; } public void reset() { list = null; } }

22 public class Bag { private Node list;... public int size() { int count = 0; Node p = list; while (p != null) { count++; p =; } return count; } } What is the big O? O(N) I think we can do better than this!

23 public class Bag { private Node list; private int count = 0; public void reset() { count = 0; list = null; }... }

24 public class Bag { private Node list; private int count;... public boolean add(Object obj) { list = new Node(obj, list); count++; return true; } public int size() { return count; } } Now size(), add(), reset() and isEmpty() are all O(1)

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