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‘ Pushmi-pullyu’: Developing interventions that address both mental and physical health and wellbeing Dr Paul Farrand.

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Presentation on theme: "‘ Pushmi-pullyu’: Developing interventions that address both mental and physical health and wellbeing Dr Paul Farrand."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘ Pushmi-pullyu’: Developing interventions that address both mental and physical health and wellbeing Dr Paul Farrand

2 Interventions for Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing?

3 Rationale for Treating Mental and Physical Health Symptoms of depression impact on physical health  Sustained inactivity, poor self-care, poor diet etc Depression and a range of poor health behaviours often coexist (Gagnes et al, 2002; Simon et al, 2008)Simon et al, 2008 Depression associated with a range of health related conditions  Cardiovascular risk (Frasure-Smith et al, 2005)  Diabetes (Peyrot & Rubin, 1999)  Stroke (Jonas & Mussolino, 2000) Causality remains undetermined

4 Association between Depression and Health Risk Behaviour in Middle Aged Women (Simon et al, 2008) Depression Limited Physical Activity High Calorific Intake

5 Problems with a Dualist Approach Target Physical Health Depression Gets in Way Problems Failure/difficulty to recruit Unrepresentative recruitment/narrow appeal Target Depression Little Long Term Impact on Physical Health/Worsening Medical Condition Problems Relapse (both physical health outcomes and depression) (Clark et al, 1996; Sherwood et al, 1992; Werrij et al, 2006)

6 Cognitive and/or Behavioural Therapies Physical Activity Limited general appeal even when supported by a PA specialist (TREAD Chalder et al, 2012) Limited reach of conventional structured approach (Donaghy & Taylor, 2010) Depressive symptoms get in way (Ussher at al, 2007) Depressive relapse (BA alone over 60% relapse at 12 months (Dobson et al, 2008) Lack of long term focus on physical health outcomes results in little health benefits /worsening health condition Example – Depression and Physical Activity

7 Striking the Balance: BAcPAc Solution: Integrate behavioural activation (BAc) with physical activity promotion (PAc) Initially treat the symptoms of depression with BAc  Evidence based intervention (Ekers et al, 2008)  Functional analysis of PAc related activities enabled during assessment Enables integration of PAc into BAc at beginning of treatment even though emphasis on BAc

8 Striking the Balance: BAcPAC As depressive symptoms lift identify opportune moment to promote PAc  PAc intervention informed by evidence (Michie et al, 2009) Self monitoring combined with at least one other technique from control theory (Carver & Scheier, 1981, 1982) – prompt intention formation, prompt specific goal setting, provide feedback on performance, prompt review of behavioural goals) – most effective  PAc alone may reduce relapse when continued over time (Babyak et al, 2000)

9 BAcPAc Illness Illness: Relapse Prevention Wellness/Wellbeing

10 Challenges Identifying the opportune moment to introduce PAc Required adaptations to BAc  Tensions with PAc approaches eg MI  Cognitions? Increasing staff confidence to address wider perspective  Challenging over confidence (PWP survey) Workforce?  Mental health, physical health, other?

11 Wider Challenges Specifying 1-2 primary outcomes (CONSORT, 2010)  Multiplicity of analyses (Schultz & Grimes, 2005) Choice of primary outcomes  Eg MUS – treatment of depression and anxiety more likely to be effective with physical symptom outcomes (Farrand & Woodford, submitted) Identifying appropriate target population  Diagnostic threshold for mental and physical health/risk behaviour  Often reach one or other, not both (Farrand & Woodford, submitted) Prevention and treatment being confused (Coyne, 2006)

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