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Momentum Force and Motion…. Push and Pull. Question? You are playing tackle football with a group of friends. Who would you rather be hit by; a slow-moving.

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Presentation on theme: "Momentum Force and Motion…. Push and Pull. Question? You are playing tackle football with a group of friends. Who would you rather be hit by; a slow-moving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Momentum Force and Motion…. Push and Pull

2 Question? You are playing tackle football with a group of friends. Who would you rather be hit by; a slow-moving but big linebacker or a fast moving but small running back?

3 Assignment 1: 3-Tab foldable Instructions: 1. Fold a sheet of paper along the long or short axis, leaving a two-inch tab uncovered. 2. Fold in half or in thirds. (Additional tabs can be created by folding into more parts.) 3. Unfold and cut along the inside fold lines to create tabs. 4. Have students identify the concept by writing key words or using pictures on the two-inch tab. Draw arrows from the central idea to the tabs, where students record data underneath each tab.

4 Assignment 1: 3-Tab foldable 1.The concept title is Momentum. 2.On the front of the first tab write the letter “p”. 3.On the front of the second tab write the letter “m”. 4.On the front of the third tab write the letter “v”. 5.On the inside of each tab, identify what each letter represent and define the terms. 6.On the bottom, give two different examples (opposites) on the second and third tabs.

5 Questions 1.What is “p”? 2.Which is a bigger factor, size or speed? 3.Which is going to have a greater momentum, a SUV or a small sport car?

6 Assignment 2: Worksheet Show Your Work and UnitsDo the Momentum worksheet using the KFC format … and Show Your Work and Units!!!!

7 Evaluation – Discussion Board In groups of 2 or 3, log on to blackboard and go to your IPC class and access the Discussion board and answer the question that was asked at the beginning of this lesson. –Who would you rather be hit by; a slow- moving but big linebacker or a fast moving but small running back? Explain why in terms of force and momentum.

8 The End

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