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GONORRHOEA SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES. CAUSE OF INFECTION Infection is caused by sexual contact with a person already infected with the STD The bacteria.

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2 CAUSE OF INFECTION Infection is caused by sexual contact with a person already infected with the STD The bacteria that infects the person causing the illness is called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Oral sex can also pass on the germ, and some people actually develop a sore throat due to gonorrhoeal infection

3 SYMPTOMS Approximately half the women and a few of the men do not show any symptoms, making it hard to diagnose or identify In men, the main symptom is painful urination, with a discharge from the tip of the penis, which may be white, yellow or green. In women, the symptoms of gonorrhoea are more limited or absent. But there may be painful urination and a discharge from the vagina.

4 INFECTED PEOPLE In the latest year for which figures are available, the number of new cases of gonorrhoea was 17,385. Annual total was made up of about 5,700 women and 11,700 men Most frequently affects 15 to 30-year-olds as they are sexually active

5 TESTING FOR INFECTION OF GONORRHOEA The incubation period is 2 to 14 days with most of these symptoms occurring between 4–6 days after being infected Detected through obtaining a sample from the urethra, the cervix and the throat or the rectum

6 TREATMENTS AVAILABLE Treated effectively with penicillin. penicillin-resistant strains of the germ emerged in the last 30 years, so experts switched to a drug called cefixime, which is given by mouth

7 EFFECTS IF UNTREATED If gonorrhoea is left untreated it can develop into an inflammation of the sexual organs in women In men an inflammation of the epididymis (a tightly-coiled tube located next to the testicle) or other parts of the genitals. Mothers infected with gonorrhoea can transfer the disease to their children during delivery such children could develop a serious inflammation of the eyes – which could result in blindness

8 THE END OF OUR PRESENTATION Thank You for your kind attention we hope you find it interesting

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