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 Teach the Teacher: What is the best school lunch menu item?  Review: Tell me as much as you can remember about the plasma membrane.  Learning Target:

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Presentation on theme: " Teach the Teacher: What is the best school lunch menu item?  Review: Tell me as much as you can remember about the plasma membrane.  Learning Target:"— Presentation transcript:

1  Teach the Teacher: What is the best school lunch menu item?  Review: Tell me as much as you can remember about the plasma membrane.  Learning Target: Eukaryotic cells have what kind of things in it?

2 Red 1 version

3 Cilia

4 Projection from cell walls that aid motion and also sweep substances along surfaces. Found in some Animal cells, Protist cells, and Prokaryotic cells.

5 Flagella   Found in some animal cells, prokaryotes, and some plant cells  flagella is a hollow tube 20 nanometers thick


7 Lysosome Stuff  A vesicle that contains digestive enzymes for the breakdown of excess or worn-out cellular substances.

8 Nucleus PowerPoint Phy. Science By: Ed Knife

9 Nucleus Is in the center of the cell. A membrane enclosed organelle found only in Eukaryotic Cells. The main structure of the nucleus is the Nucleus Envelope.

10 The Nucleus’s Job Contains most of the cell’s genetic material. It also holds all of the cell’s DNA. Regulates all cell activity. Brain of the cell.

11 The Mitochondria provide the cell with the energy needed to move, and divide It is the part of the cell that is needed for energy and they do differ in size and shape only depending on the cell type. Mitochondria are membrane bound and such as the nucleus they have a DOUBLE membrane.

12 Outer Membrane- smooth ▪-Inner Membrane- rough, convoluted forming folds called Cristae. ▪-Cristae increases the inner membranes surface area, on the Cristae sugar is combined with Oxygen to produce the energy source for the Cells (ATP) ▪-ATP: Adenosine 3 Phosphate, the energy is stored in here, once used it becomes (ADP) Adenosine 2 Phosphate.

13  In All Eukaryotic Cells.  Produces the energy available to the rest of the cell(pg 199)

14 Cytoskeleton A framework for the cell within the cytoplasm Consists of a matrix in which the cells organelles are suspended

15 Ribosomes A Ribosome is an organelle whose function is to assemble the 20 specific amino acid molecules to form the particular protein molecule. A ribosome is just a simple cell organelle that helps manufacture proteins. We need these inside our cells in order to survive.

16 By Ray Marks

17  Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubules, vesicles and sacs that are interconnected. They may serve specialized functions in the cell including protein synthesis, sequestration of calcium, production of steroids, storage and production of glycogen, and insertion of membrane proteins.

18  Endoplasmic reticulum manufactures substances in the cell. It is a set of flattened membrane sheets.  Rough ER has ribosomes attached to it. it manufactures proteins.  Smooth ER Contains enzymes that manufacture fats, phospholipids and steroids

19 A flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies proteins and packages them for distributions outside the cell. The golgi body recieves Substances from the endoplasmic reticulum -all Eukaryotic cells.

20  Pg. 199  Picture bing.  golgi.htm golgi.htm

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