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16-311 Introduction to Robotics Lab 10 – Robot Sorter Felix Duvallet, Matt Faria.

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Presentation on theme: "16-311 Introduction to Robotics Lab 10 – Robot Sorter Felix Duvallet, Matt Faria."— Presentation transcript:

1 16-311 Introduction to Robotics Lab 10 – Robot Sorter Felix Duvallet, Matt Faria

2 Challenge Construct a robot that:  Finds an object  Identifies object  Moves object to proper goal

3 Arena 4ft x 4ft Arena is enclosed by wooden walls (~6 in high) All wood, all painted black 3 targets  1 in front of each robot  1 in center 2 goals  Both have lights Solid lines = white electrical tape

4 Targets “O” and “I” targets Need to be able to correctly identify which target you have Need to move target to correct goal area

5 Design Constraints Robot must fit in start box (10”x10”) Additional parts allowed - $50 spending limit Target type and robot start position will be random Must display which target you have identified (ex: I or O on Handyboard display) Two rounds 5 minutes each

6 Startup procedure The TAs will start your robot You can tell your robot what its start position is (not which type of target it is facing) Have directions ready for TAs

7 Competition Since this is a competition, you are allowed to interfere with the other team’s robot Do NOT intentionally damage the other robot or the playing field Other restrictions on website TAs have discretion to allow you to run individually (no opponent)

8 Grading Two grading criteria  One for the competition (determine winner) Take SUM of two rounds  One for your actual grade Take MAXIMUM of both rounds

9 Grading Evaluation – this is your grade EventGrade Robot touches its target+20 Robot correctly identifies target+30 Robot puts target in any goal+5 Robot puts target in correct goal+25 Robot gets to middle square+10 Robot touches middle target+10 Robot places middle target in correct goal+10 Sum110

10 Grading Competition – determine winner EventScore Robot puts correct target in goal+5 Target is in goal at the end of the round+10 Robot touches center target+5 Robot puts center target in correct goal+5 Robot is in center square at the end of the round +5

11 Other Read the website  Lots more information there Questions?


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