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Cutting-Edge Technologies at ODU Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries – everyone and everywhere Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries –

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Presentation on theme: "Cutting-Edge Technologies at ODU Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries – everyone and everywhere Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cutting-Edge Technologies at ODU Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries – everyone and everywhere Active Learning - anywhere Digital Libraries – everyone and everywhere

2 Old Dominion University 2 Iri-h: learning interactively over the Internet  Students situated in classrooms, office, or at home, interacting with each other, the teacher and the computer  Set-up: hardware (wired/less, off-shelf camera) & software  Compare to:  Traditional TV : one teacher to many students,low resolution  Video conferencing: many sites to many sites  IRI-H: Individual student centered,high resolution,software sharing & control  Funded by NSF, SUN Microsystems, Cox Cable, +$1M  htpp://  Students situated in classrooms, office, or at home, interacting with each other, the teacher and the computer  Set-up: hardware (wired/less, off-shelf camera) & software  Compare to:  Traditional TV : one teacher to many students,low resolution  Video conferencing: many sites to many sites  IRI-H: Individual student centered,high resolution,software sharing & control  Funded by NSF, SUN Microsystems, Cox Cable, +$1M  htpp://

3 Old Dominion University 3 IRI-h features:  fully implemented in Java (multi-platform)  audio, and video (Java Media Framework JMF)  tool sharing (Interactive Program Video IPV)  annotation and pointer  Application-level gateway (multicast/unicast relay functionality and/or rate adaptation for heterogeneous network environments)  recording and playback  monitors for participants and services  note taking and notes-server  call student, site video  fully implemented in Java (multi-platform)  audio, and video (Java Media Framework JMF)  tool sharing (Interactive Program Video IPV)  annotation and pointer  Application-level gateway (multicast/unicast relay functionality and/or rate adaptation for heterogeneous network environments)  recording and playback  monitors for participants and services  note taking and notes-server  call student, site video

4 Old Dominion University 4 SM SP 1 SP 3 SP 2 Site 1 Site 2 GW SP 5 SP 4 Multicast Intranet Unicast UDP TCP connection (control and state) Directory Server Multicast-disabled participant

5 Old Dominion University 5 DL Funding: NSF, NASA, Los Alamos, Sandia, Jefferson Lab, Navy, JTASC, CIT  ODU is internationally recognized for its work on the fundamental architectural aspects of digital libraries   Current collaborators:  state universities: Va Tech, Uva national universities: Cornell, Pennsylvania  international: Southampton (UK), CERN (Switzerland), IISC(India)  govt: Los Alamos, Sandia, Jefferson Lab, AFRL, NASA, USGS  commercial: American Physical Society  Current research areas:  physics education  peer-to-peer self-archiving  digital preservation  archive interoperability  self-organizing digital libraries  3D digital libraries Digital Library Research: Everyone and Everywhere

6 Old Dominion University 6 Connecting Islands of Digital Libraries  Islands of digital libraries need to be interconnected for users to access different information resources from anywhere  Manipulating, organizing, and correlating information from different repositories needed for better discovery  Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is an international effort to facilitate bridges across islands of digital libraries  OAI does for digital libraries what the Internet did for islands of isolated networks  Islands of digital libraries need to be interconnected for users to access different information resources from anywhere  Manipulating, organizing, and correlating information from different repositories needed for better discovery  Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is an international effort to facilitate bridges across islands of digital libraries  OAI does for digital libraries what the Internet did for islands of isolated networks

7 Old Dominion University 7 The Digital Library Research Group @ ODU (  What is digital library (DL) research?  the intersection of Web, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, databases, cataloging, metadata, archiving, digital preservation, information economics and other related technologies.  ODU’s DL Research Group  4 faculty (Maly, Zubair, Bollen, Nelson)  1 Post-doc (Liu)  5 PhD students; 23 MS students  Funding  ~$1M in CY 2002; 5X growth over the past 3 years  NSF, NASA, Los Alamos, Sandia, Jefferson Lab, Navy, JTASC, CIT  What is digital library (DL) research?  the intersection of Web, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, databases, cataloging, metadata, archiving, digital preservation, information economics and other related technologies.  ODU’s DL Research Group  4 faculty (Maly, Zubair, Bollen, Nelson)  1 Post-doc (Liu)  5 PhD students; 23 MS students  Funding  ~$1M in CY 2002; 5X growth over the past 3 years  NSF, NASA, Los Alamos, Sandia, Jefferson Lab, Navy, JTASC, CIT

8 Old Dominion University 8 The Digital Library Research Group @ ODU  Recognition and Service  Founding member of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)   international de facto standard for inter-archive metadata exchange  Significant international use and citation of ODU developed web services: Arc, Kepler and DP9.  Numerous collaborators: several DOE, DOD & NASA US Govt labs, other Virginia universities, national universities and many foreign universities and labs.  Pioneer in DL education: 1 of 20 universities in the world (1 of 12 in the US) to offer DL classes (Spink & Cool, D-Lib Magazine 5(5), 1999).  Citations in the popular press (e.g., Washington Post, 09/06/02, p. A01)  Recognition and Service  Founding member of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)   international de facto standard for inter-archive metadata exchange  Significant international use and citation of ODU developed web services: Arc, Kepler and DP9.  Numerous collaborators: several DOE, DOD & NASA US Govt labs, other Virginia universities, national universities and many foreign universities and labs.  Pioneer in DL education: 1 of 20 universities in the world (1 of 12 in the US) to offer DL classes (Spink & Cool, D-Lib Magazine 5(5), 1999).  Citations in the popular press (e.g., Washington Post, 09/06/02, p. A01)

9 Old Dominion University 9 Googling the Deep Web  Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) development  ODU: Protocol co-editor, OAI Technical Committee, OAI Alpha tester, original UPS member  OAI is a method for repositories to reveal their "deep web" contents in a structured manner  DP9  DP9 is a method for web crawlers and robots (such as Google and Inktomi) to harvest OAI repositories  Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) development  ODU: Protocol co-editor, OAI Technical Committee, OAI Alpha tester, original UPS member  OAI is a method for repositories to reveal their "deep web" contents in a structured manner  DP9  DP9 is a method for web crawlers and robots (such as Google and Inktomi) to harvest OAI repositories

10 Old Dominion University 10 Build It and They Will Come  Arc (  the first OAI service provider for end-users  1.5M+ metadata records indexed, over 100 libraries (incl. Library of Congress)  in use at Emory Univ. led consortium and Univ. of Pennsylvania  NCSTRL (  conversion from Dienst to OAI-PMH  30K+ records from 100+ world wide CS departments  TRI  synchronized OAI caches for sharing in closed systems  Los Alamos, Sandia, AFRL, NASA Langley  Comoptevfor  an adaptable digital library consisting of complex objects for the US Navy Operational Test and Evaluation needs  Arc (  the first OAI service provider for end-users  1.5M+ metadata records indexed, over 100 libraries (incl. Library of Congress)  in use at Emory Univ. led consortium and Univ. of Pennsylvania  NCSTRL (  conversion from Dienst to OAI-PMH  30K+ records from 100+ world wide CS departments  TRI  synchronized OAI caches for sharing in closed systems  Los Alamos, Sandia, AFRL, NASA Langley  Comoptevfor  an adaptable digital library consisting of complex objects for the US Navy Operational Test and Evaluation needs

11 Old Dominion University 11 What we have here is the ability to communicate  Kepler (  empowers individuals, allowing them to achieve the level of archival independence previously only afforded to institutions  P2P OAI architecture  Several hundred downloads  Dean (  develops methods to derive document networks from temporal patterns in the retrieval behavior of large groups of users  generated networks can be applied to document linking and information recommendation service, as well as the scientometric study of document impact and document relations  Kepler (  empowers individuals, allowing them to achieve the level of archival independence previously only afforded to institutions  P2P OAI architecture  Several hundred downloads  Dean (  develops methods to derive document networks from temporal patterns in the retrieval behavior of large groups of users  generated networks can be applied to document linking and information recommendation service, as well as the scientometric study of document impact and document relations

12 Old Dominion University 12 Reading, ‘Riting & ‘Rchimedes  Archon (  a digital library for physics that federates collections with varying degrees of metadata richness  contributions include reference linking services and equation based searching  aimed for both researchers and educators  Archon (  a digital library for physics that federates collections with varying degrees of metadata richness  contributions include reference linking services and equation based searching  aimed for both researchers and educators

13 Old Dominion University 13 Pride and Preservation  Buckets: Smart Objects for Digital Libraries  intelligent, mobile data structures that transfer the responsibility of preservation and maintenance of content from the archive and archivist to the object itself  Buckets communicate amongst themselves to find the location of refreshing and conversion services  Buckets: Smart Objects for Digital Libraries  intelligent, mobile data structures that transfer the responsibility of preservation and maintenance of content from the archive and archivist to the object itself  Buckets communicate amongst themselves to find the location of refreshing and conversion services

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