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Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Year Three Self-EvaluationWorkshop Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) DoubleTree.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Year Three Self-EvaluationWorkshop Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) DoubleTree."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Year Three Self-EvaluationWorkshop Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) DoubleTree Hotel Seattle Airport Seattle, Washington

2 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Peer Presenters Dr. Dawn Gallinger, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Carroll College Dr. Cynthia Price, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Seattle Pacific University Ms. Donna Reed, Library Director, Portland Community College Dr. Steven VanderStaay, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education & Director of Academic Assessment, West Wash. University

3 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Seminar Facilitators Dr. Karen Buchanan, Dean of Instruction, George Fox University Dr. Sonya Christian, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, Lane Community College Dr. Sandra A. Fowler-Hill, Vice President of Instruction and Student Services, Everett Community College Dr. Jean Hernandez, President, Edmonds Community College

4 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Seminar Facilitators Dr. Michael Moon, Director, Institutional Research and Planning Support, Willamette University Dr. Steven G. Olswang, Provost, City University of Seattle Dr. Laura J. Polcyn, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Special Academic Programs, Pacific Lutheran University Ms. Carol Schaafsma, Vice President, Academic Affairs, Linn-Benton Community College

5 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Seminar Facilitators Dr. Ryan L. Thomas, Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Weber State University

6 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 NWCCU Representatives Dr. Sandra E. Elman, President Dr. Les L. Steele, Executive Vice President Dr. William Beardsley, Vice President Dr. Pamela Goad, Vice President Elsa Buckley, Technology Support Specialist and Surveys and Events Coordinator

7 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Standards Year 1 Report - Standard One: Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations Year 3 Report - Standard Two: Resources and Capacity Year 5 Report - Standard Three: Planning and Implementation Year 5 Report - Standard Four: Effectiveness and Improvement Year 7 - Standard Five: Mission Fulfillment, Adaptation, and Sustainability

8 Mission – Purpose and Intentions Core Theme 1 Objective 1 Indicator 1Indicator 1 Objective N Core Theme N... Indicator NIndicator N Indicator 1Indicator 1 Indicator NIndicator N Indicator 1Indicator 1 Indicator NIndicator N Indicator 1Indicator 1 Indicator NIndicator N Objective 1Objective N... Generalized Mission Fulfillment Stated As Outcomes or Accomplishments Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012

9 Standard OneStandard Two Standards Three and Four Core Theme1Core Theme1 Standard 3.A Standard Five Year 7 Report Core Theme2Core Theme2 Core Theme3Core Theme3 Core ThemeNCore ThemeN... Standards 3.B; 4.A; 4.B Standard 5.A Standard 5.B Year 1 ReportYear 3 Report Year 5 Report Year 7 Report Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012

10 Year Three Self-Evaluation Report Chapter Two: Resources and Capacity Eligibility Requirements 4 through 21 (Executive Summary) Standard 2.A Governance Standard 2.B Human Resources Standard 2.C Education Resources Standard 2.D Student Support Resources Standard 2.E Library and Information Resources Standard 2.F Financial Resources Standard 2.G Physical and Technological Infrastructure

11 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Y3 Report Structure and Contents Title Page Table of Contents Institutional Overview – 2 pages max Basic Institutional Data Form – NEW! Revised 3/5/12, may be added as an appendix Preface – changes since last report; requested response to previous issues Updated Chapter One: ERs 2 and 3 – Mission, Core Themes, and Expectations Chapter Two: ERs 4 through 21 – Resources and Capacity Conclusion – 5 pages max

12 Chair Standards 1.A; 1.B; 2.A; ERs 2-21 Year Three Committee Structure Evaluator 1 Standards 2.B; 2.D (Students) Evaluator 2 Standard 2.C (Academics) Evaluator 3 Standard 2.E (Library) Evaluator 4 Standards 2.F; 2.G (Finance) Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012

13 Year 5 Report Standards Three and Four Institutional Planning (Standard 3.A) Core Theme 1 Planning (3.B) Assessment (4.A) Use of Results (4.B) Core Theme N Planning (3.B) Assessment (4.A) Use of Results (4.B) …

14 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Year 7 Self-Evaluation Report Chapter Five: Mission Fulfillment, Adaptation, Sustainability Eligibility Requirement – final ER 24 Updated Standards 1, 2, 3, and 4 with previous ERs 2-23 Added as new content: Standard 5.A Mission Fulfillment Standard 5.B Adaptation and Sustainability

15 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Institutional Mission: Foundational Strength and Directional Focus Institutional Mission Intended Outcomes and Accomplishments Core Themes Mission Fulfillment Indicators of Achievement Planning and Assessment Resources and Capacity

16 Year Three Self-Evaluation WorkshopMarch 13, 2012 Comments and Questions

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