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California League of High Schools Annual Conference Dr. Tamerin Capellino.

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Presentation on theme: "California League of High Schools Annual Conference Dr. Tamerin Capellino."— Presentation transcript:

1 California League of High Schools Annual Conference Dr. Tamerin Capellino

2  What is the SLLA?  ISLLC Standards  Test Taking Tips  Practice Questions  Next steps

3  National University  Student Advisor  Assistant Principal  Principal  University of La Verne

4  A candidate for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must complete one of the following: A valid Clear Teaching Credential A California Designated Subjects Teaching Credential; or A California Services Credential in Pupil Personnel Service, Health Services, Library Media Teaching services, or Clinical or Rehabilitative Services  Have a minimum of 3 years of successful, full-time experience in public schools, nonpublic schools, or private schools of equivalent status. AND……

5  Commission approved program of professional preparation, or  Commission approved internship program, or  Passing score on the SLLA (1010 “old version”)

6 Evaluation of Actions I (1 hr)- Ten vignettes 6 minutes each- 20% of score Evaluation of Actions II (1 hr)- Six vignettes 10 minutes each- 20% of score Synthesis of Information and Problem Solving (2 hrs)- Two case studies 1 hour each- 30% of score Analysis of Information and Decision Making (2 hrs)- Seven documents Approx. 17 minutes each- 30% of score

7  Developed to address administration shortage in the state of California and to make the credentialing process easier for out-of- state candidates.  Passing Score: 173 out of 200  Pass Rate: Approximately 80%  Used by other states as part of their credential program.  New version created. California is the only state using the old version as they are in the process of creating their own test for admin certification.

8  Certificate of Eligibility for Administrative Services (until you secure administrative employment)  Preliminary Administrative Credential (once you secure your first administrative position; good for 5 years) * Previously called Tier I  Professional Clear Administrative Services Credential-requires completion of a mentoring program, portfolio, and/or coursework *Previously called Tier II

9 Standard 1: Vision Standard 2: School Culture Standard 3: Management Standard 4: Collaboration Standard 5: Professional Ethics Standard 6: Community Advocating You don’t need to have these memorized!


11  “There is no such thing as a wrong answer”  Bullet your way to success!  Use the student/parent/staff/district/community model to address all stakeholders  Know and practice your pacing  Do not use state specific lingo (ex. CSTs and CLAD)  Be specific- do not say ‘professional development’, say professional development in explicit direct instruction, etc.  Read the question carefully. Underline all areas to be addressed.  Read all questions first. Start with the one you feel most confident.  REMEMBER….You are t he PRINCIPAL, not a teacher!

12 StudentsParents StaffDistrict/Community

13 It is early December and the students in and elementary school are practicing for the annual holiday concert. A parent phones the school to insist that her child not be required to sing any of the Christmas songs. The principal excuses the student from participation in the music practice. Do you agree with the principal's action? Give a rationale, citing factors that are relevant to a principal's decisions in such situations.

14  In order to achieve a score of 2, the response specifically cites the civil and/or religious rights of the parent/student, and includes at least one of the following: meeting with the parent and student to discuss the objection suggesting some alternative activity for the student examining the content of the concert to determine its appropriateness for all students.

15 In March a high school senior presents a letter from his mother requesting, contrary to the school policy, that he be allowed to drop physics, because he is failing class. He is also failing several other classes, but does not need to pass physics to graduate. The principal consults with the student's counselor. They all concur that the student could be passing all his courses, including physics, if he worked harder. However, the principal persuaded by the parent's argument, that the stress of physics is adversely affecting her son, authorizes the student to drop the course. Evaluate the principal's course actions from the point of view of teaching and learning.

16  In order to achieve a score of 2, the candidate's response must be primarily concerned with what is in the best interest of the particular student. In addition, the response cites any two of the following: conferencing with the parent who may have essential information about the student conferencing with the student to help the student confront and begin to solve the problem involving other appropriate staff members to address possible causes/reasons for failure generating a plan of action that will provide support to the student working toward parent/student cooperation with the school, and their acceptance of responsibility for achieving passing grades in all other courses.

17  Both case studies in the Synthesis of Information and Problem Solving section are scored on a four-point scale, with 3 the highest and 0 the lowest.  The two responses to the two questions are treated as a single response for scoring purposes, so only one score is assigned to each case.

18  The seven exercises in the Analysis of Information and Decision Making section are scored on a three-point scale, with 2 the highest possible score and 0 the lowest.  The responses to the two questions are associated with each document are treated as a single response for scoring purposes.

19  The types of documents used in this module may include: Assessment data School improvement plans Budget information Schedules Staff allocations Curriculum information

20  The table you have been provided with presents enrollment data for students of different backgrounds in a high school of nearly 1,200 students. Look at the table carefully and answer the following questions.  Assume that the superintendent informed you of a recently adopted Board goal to increase the academic achievement of all students. 1. What important patterns do you observe in the data? Identify and describe at least three. 2. As principal of the high school, what additional information would you want? How would you obtain this information?


22  In order to achieve a score of 2, the response specifically cites the three important patterns observed (Asian Population and AP course enrollment, males in AP classes, Black population and basic math, etc.) and thoroughly addresses the additional information needed such as: Grades Standardized test score information % of students entering 4 year universities How students are placed.  Explains how the information would be obtained.

23  Next Test Date: May 8 th, 2010  Registration Deadline: April 16 th, 2010  Score Report Mailing Date: June 8 th, 2010


25  Prepare a solid resume  What leadership experiences have I already had?  What experiences do I need to get?  Treat everyone as if they will be on your interview panel.

26  Master’s Degree (Required/preferred by some districts)  Varied Leadership Experiences (Coordinator, Department Chair, Teacher on Special Assignment, etc.)  Well developed resume  Solid letters of recommendation that address your leadership ability, not teaching ability.

27  Master Schedule  Curriculum (Curriculum Councils, Department Meetings)  Discipline/Attendance (Shadow admin, familiarize yourself with Ed code and Board Policy)  Testing (proctor, testing committee, etc.)  Safety (Safe School Plan, Drills, etc.)  Budget (SSC, Site Plan, etc.)  Leadership Positions/Roles  Specialized Training (AVID, PLC, EL, AP, etc.)


29  For more information or to download handouts go to the Leadership Series tab at:

30  California Education Code  Association of California School Administrators  California Department of Education  California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

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