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10 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

11 What term describes the beliefs, customs, laws, art and ways of living that a group of people share?

12 Culture (DUH!)

13 List 8 Different Culture Traits.

14 Language Religion Food Clothing Style of Shelter Music Dance Sports Government History Laws…etc

15 Explain the difference between commercial farming and subsistence farming

16 In commercial farming, people grow crops to sell. In subsistence farming, people grow just enough crops to feed their families

17 Explain the difference between Gross Domestic Product & Gross Domestic Product Per Capita

18 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the total value of goods and services produced in a country for a given period of time Gross Domestic Product Per Capita – the average income of people in a given country/state in a period over a period of time

19 Define and give at least two examples of Economic Indicators

20 Economic Indicators- a measure that shows how a country’s economy is doing (Ex: GDP, GDP Per Capita, Literacy, Life Expectancy, Birth Rate, Unemployment Rate…etc)

21 After the Communist Revolution of 1959, the government of Cuba became unlimited under Fidel Castro. What effect did this have on the rights of Cuban citizens?

22 The people lost many of their basic human rights, such as the freedom of speech

23 What are some examples of societies that would be unlikely to engage in cultural borrowing?

24 Societies with: Strict Traditions An isolated location Totalitarian Governments …etc.

25 What do the governments of Mexico, Canada, Brazil and The United States have in common?

26 People have a voice in government by electing their leaders

27 How did the United States respond to Communism in Cuba?

28 We cut off all trade with them, this continues to effect the struggling economy of Cuba to this day

29 What is the purpose of limiting the power of government and whose responsibility is it?

30 The purpose of limited government is to protect our personnel freedoms and prevent tyranny Ultimately, it is up to the people to limit the power of government

31 What term describes the conflict between peoples desires and limited resources?

32 Scarcity

33 What are the three types of economic systems that a society can base the distribution of goods and services around?

34 Free Enterprise/Market Economy Command Economy Traditional Economy

35 People are free to make their own economic decisions Buyers and sellers make decisions based on supply and demand Competition in business High quality of goods and services Limited government interference What type of economy is being described and what is an example of a country with this economic system?

36 Market Economy/Free Enterprise (United States)

37 Central government controls what goods are produced and sold Ideally, all wealth will be distributed equally No competition in business Workers work primarily to support the national government Usually results in an Unlimited Government What type of economy is being described and what is an example of a country with this economic system?

38 Command Economy (Cuba)

39 Explain the law of supply and demand

40 If demand is high and supply is low, prices go up If demand is low and supply is high, prices go down

41 What is the function of a primary industry?

42 Prepare and process raw materials

43 What type of industry deals with manufacturing?

44 Secondary (they turn raw materials into some good)

45 Mining, logging and agriculture are examples of what type of industry?

46 Primary (they acquire raw materials)

47 Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Target are examples of what type of industry?

48 Tertiary (They sell and distribute goods)

49 Name all the economic industries and the functions of each

50 Primary- Raw materials Secondary- Manufacturing Tertiary- Sales and Distribution Quaternary- Advertising

51 How did aspects of African culture 1 st show up in Latin America?

52 Many Africans were brought to Latin America as slaves

53 In the 1990’s, the conflict between the Hutu & Tutsi ethnic groups occurred in what African Country?

54 Rwanda

55 Historically, what are the three main cultural influences on Mexico and Central America?

56 1. Native American 2. Spanish 3. Catholic



59 What were the three phases of Spanish activity in Latin America?

60 1.Exploration 2.Conquest 3.Colonization

61 In research, what is the difference between primary and secondary sources?

62 Primary Sources- from a historical time period/a first hand account of what happened (a soldiers letter during the civil war) Secondary Sources- Something designed to teach about a historical event/a second hand account of what happened (A text-book)

63 Explain the meaning of Human Environment Interaction

64 Anytime you modify or adapt to the physical environment (digging a well, building a bridge, constructing a house out of local materials…etc.)

65 What ancient civilization was located in this area?

66 The Maya

67 What ancient civilization was located in this area?

68 The Inca

69 What are the duties of citizens in a democracy? (list at least 6 out of 7)

70 Cast An Informed Vote Jury Duty Obey Laws Pay Taxes Serve In The Military (if called) Volunteer Go To School (if under 18)

71 What is the main reason South Africa has the strongest economy in all of Africa?

72 South Africa Plentiful natural resources (minerals)

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