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1 Planning – Agile Style Highsmith, Ch 7 All kinds of iterations! CSSE579 Session 3 Part 1.

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1 1 Planning – Agile Style Highsmith, Ch 7 All kinds of iterations! CSSE579 Session 3 Part 1

2 2 Week 3’s plan How was Exam 1? - Feedback Our strategy – Start with “What does the PM do about planning?” Then fill-in with closely related topics. Project planning proper: – Slide set 1 – Agile planning – Highsmith’s view – Slide set 2 – “Old school” planning – Phillips’ view Project/presentation feedback from each person Project planning – requirements (to read next): – Slide set 3 – “Old school” requirements – Phillips’ view – Slide set 4 - Agile requirements – Highsmith’s view Next week’s 2 nd topic – Estimation (more planning!) Next week – Jared Goulding coming along from Rose-Hulman. – And, it’s Good Friday / Passover

3 3 An overall view of agile planning

4 4 Agile planning (for 1 release) Starts with “Iteration 0” – 1 to 6 weeks Assume you have the following already: – A start on requirements – vision, elevator statement, etc. (We’ll get back to these). – A feasibility study. – A basic architecture to use for the project. (We’ll get back to design.) Do some project planning – not too much. – Revolves around creating the “user stories.” – Team / technology initiation. Don’t deliver useful components.

5 5 Highsmith calls planning “speculating”! Are you still “on plan”? No? Then it must be because… a)You did something wrong that has to be remedied. And it was not good that it happened. Or, b)We tried to plan, but “this” is how it turned out. “Stuff” happened. 

6 6 Creating the “user stories” These expand the “Product vision” in detail. Need to build a “Product backlog” of known stories. – Client will choose from these for each iteration. – By priority – at least consider the greatest value first! – But probably done with our help (e.g., what’s technically doable first).

7 7 Review – What’s a user story look like? “The medium is the message.” - McLuhan

8 8 User story variations Story 1 enhanced: As a credit analyst, I want the ability to check the prior payment history With this customer So that I can decide to grant a loan. Who What When / Where Why 

9 9 Short group activity – User stories Do you do user stories now? Do they look like the ones we’ve discussed? If you don’t do them, what would it add? And what could you take away if you did them?

10 10 How about big, messy stories? How about technical stories? “A script will migrate the old database to the new system.” 

11 11 How about things we discover they need? “In planning a product, however, some items that need to be delivered may not sound – at least to customers or product managers – as though they provide direct benefit.” Client wants children to be main users For safety, they’ll all need to have short hair To guarantee that, our system better provide the haircuts!

12 12 Features are made up of stories Marketing has to sell the product in larger “chunks” than stories. In our combination of technical / customer value thinking, it makes sense to: – Deal with features at a level of granularity where we can picture what we’d do, and how long it will take. – While still being able to “roll-up” how these stories must fit into the whole feature & system.

13 13 Who writes these stories? Customer? Business analyst sitting with customer? See next slide.  Developers sitting with customer? Big meeting like JAD? – (See SPMH p 113) Trickle-down from systems engineering work?

14 14 Remember the Business Analyst?

15 15 Stories go on cards “As a sales associate, the ability to calculate the total amount of the sale, so that I can negotiate payment with the customer.” – Probably includes things for multiple people to develop at several layers of software. – Quantify customer value and estimated “points” to do it. – And perceived risks! – Can add all these annotations. (See APM p 139.) – Putting them on cards or PostIts makes them Mobile. – Could be used with “Parking Lot” (p 148), or Kanban, for example.  – Big projects – need to automate all this!

16 16 Kanban at work… We’re still here! 

17 17 Remember planning poker?

18 18 Go for simplicity at all times! The art of maximizing the amount of work not done. Always in vogue? – Minimalist architecture.

19 19 How iterations simplify planning In 3 main ways? 1.Flexibility – change when you discover issues – Know where problems are before committing 2.It’s easier than up-front planning 3.Feedback to customer – Lets them change their mind But – need to avoid “looming technical risk” – Dodging “technical debt” – like building the DB 

20 20 Visibility of iterations… Difficult to explain to the customer: Developer Skills Technologies Integration

21 21 High quality ≠ More elaborate

22 22 Iteration 0 Anticipation vs adaptation – More uncertainty and complexity  more adaptation – See Highsmith’s presentation at _2009_Release_Planning_Handouts.pdf, Slides 13 – 15. (Works fine on Firefox, if not Safari.) _2009_Release_Planning_Handouts.pdf – This anticipates his Ch 8 – Multiple releases. 

23 23 Your questions from the reading quiz My pick Your choice

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