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The American Ivan Bukreyev University of Florida IMDL, 9/18/2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Ivan Bukreyev University of Florida IMDL, 9/18/2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Ivan Bukreyev University of Florida IMDL, 9/18/2012 1

2 Special Sensor  Physics/EE background  Not much mechanical background 2

3 Special Sensor  Physics/EE background  Not much mechanical background  So…  Make mechanically challenging platform – hexapod 3

4 Design 4

5 Design 5  Femur – up/down motion  Tibia – toward/away motion  Coxa –left/right motion  Overall 3 degrees of freedom (XYZ) per leg Every (don’t quote me on this) Insect’s lag has:

6 Design 6 Femur Tibia

7 Design 7 Coxa

8 Hexapod model 8

9 Implementation 9 Undisclosed amount of $ and 211 screws later:

10 Implementation 10

11 Implementation 11

12 Control 12 if (dataInBufC0()) { fscanf(&USB_str,"%c",&read); /* Smart Stuff */ } for (uint8_t i=0;i<=18;i++) setServoPosition(i,position[i]);  Serial (Temporary) – needed to determine motion domain per servo(a) and allowed relative position of adjacent legs (b)  Wait  Process  Do

13 Current Status  Mechanical platform: completed (ish)  Power: 3 sell 4 Ah Lipo, protected by voltage monitor (and my reaction time) 13

14 Current Status  Mechanical platform: completed (ish)  Power: 3 sell 4 Ah Lipo, protected by voltage monitor (and my reaction time)  Sensors: Sonar, 2x IR rangefinder, BlueSmirf, IR transmitter - on order  Board: Epiphany DIY 14

15 Current Status  Mechanical platform: completed (ish)  Power: 3 sell 4 Ah Lipo, protected by voltage monitor (and my reaction time)  Sensors: Sonar, 2x IR rangefinder, BlueSmirf, IR transmitter - on order  Board: Epiphany DIY  Status Update: LCD, work in progress  Imaging: GalaxyS2 – work in progress 15

16 Sensor Feedback  Use low level sensors (Sonar, IR) to move about and avoid obstacles (possibly do primitive mapping?)  Use camera to search for a box 16

17 Sensor Feedback  Use low level sensors (Sonar, IR) to move about and avoid obstacles (possibly do primitive mapping?)  Use camera to search for a box  If I can find a box, I will search for a TV  If I can find a TV, I will use IR transmitter to turn it on/off 17

18 Questions? 18

19 Questions? Answer: All you base are belong to us 19

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