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GEOSAF 2 – WG on operational Safety Kristina Skagius Elert (Sweden) Gunnar Buckau (EC): chairman Christophe Depaus (Belgium) : rapporteur Thorsten Fass.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOSAF 2 – WG on operational Safety Kristina Skagius Elert (Sweden) Gunnar Buckau (EC): chairman Christophe Depaus (Belgium) : rapporteur Thorsten Fass."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOSAF 2 – WG on operational Safety Kristina Skagius Elert (Sweden) Gunnar Buckau (EC): chairman Christophe Depaus (Belgium) : rapporteur Thorsten Fass (Germany) Awad Al-Zahrany (Saudi Arabia)

2 Objective 1: Review of the ToR (1/3)  Rationale: 1.Mandate of the work group /scope « protection » against what ? Only radiological ? if yes, only RP during operations if no, we have to take into account conventional safety (mining, tunnel, transport, fire, flooding, etc ) Does the mandate to the work group also cover occupational safety beyond radiological protection ? Does the mandate to the work group also include governance related to operation and acceptance (communication, access to information, transparency, participative processes,…) ? 2.Which documentation to use in which phase of the project ? (IAEA guidances; International Nuclear Law; NEA guidances; EU directives; ENSREG; WENRA; International mining regulations; World Health Organisations, etc.) If the scope is restricted only to « radiological protection », probably not worth the effort… but… Is the broader scope commensurate with the scope of the IAEA?

3 Objective 1: Review of the ToR (2/3)  Work packages & Methodology Establish the reference for the gaps analysis Start with SITEX outcome (original list + feedback) Check against (nuclear) national experiences ? Check against (other) national experiences ? (e.g. mining industry, …) Check against operation delineated into individual activities Document existing guidances: restriction to IAEA for the first year Make recommendations for continuation (e.g. extended guidance documents basis, conducting gap analysis, etc.)

4 Objective 1: Review of the ToR (3/3)  Deliverables Reference list for gap analysis Compilation of relevant IAEA documents (including guidances,TECDOC,…+ justification of their relevance) Report on the way forward

5 Objective 2: Structure for the areas where guidance should be required (1/2) Use the SITEX list, complement and remove – e.g. site selection, LT passive safety, … (to remove) – e. g. operational/construction procedures have to delineated into different activities (to add)

6 Objective 2: Structure for the areas where guidance should be required (2/2) EXAMPLE: Construction Operation * Investigations and feedback of information on operating experience * Operational limits and conditions * Modifications * Emergency preparedness and response * Maintenance, periodic testing and inspection * Occupational exposure * Public exposure * Receiving, handling and emplacement of waste *Backfilling; *Sealing; *Monitoring; *Surveillance; *Safeguards; Etc. Closure & Decommissioning

7 Objectives 3 &4: Provisional list of what is missing & Recommendations for IAEA Task of the work group Objective 5: Practical Plan for the next 12 months See methodology

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