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Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208. Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208.

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Presentation on theme: "Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208. Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208

2 Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208

3 Maximizing Media - it’s not about standing out in your field, it’s about how you can help Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208 PHASE 2 COACHING

4 This workshop covers I. How to access media 1. Interviews 2. Advice column 3. Opinion column/letter III. Making contact 1. Identifying what that medium does/needs 2. Identifying how you can fill that need 3. Writing the pitch Baila Lazarus 778-240-4208

5 Types of access 1.Be interviewed 2.Write a column 3.Write a letter to the editor Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca5

6 Types of access - interview A. Industry expert -Food/liquor laws B. Business operations -Hiring seasonal staff -Location/expansion -Technology/sustainability C. Trends -Food/travel choices -Strength of the dollar Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca6

7 Types of access - interview Interview expert -Sustainability -On-site farms and gardens -Tourism in the Interior -Green marketing -Corporate citizenship Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca7

8 Types of access 1.Be interviewed 2.Write a column Advice - you are the expert Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca8

9 Types of access – advice Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca9

10 Types of access – advice Question: What do I need to know if I want to buy a franchise? Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca10

11 Types of access – advice Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca11

12 Types of access 1.Be interviewed 2.Write a column - advice 3.Write an opinion column (“op/ed”) or letter to the editor -What do you feel passionately about? -Is there an area in which you have expertise? -Look at other samples and see how long they are and what the tone is. Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca12

13 Making contact 1.What does the editor/producer want? 2.What do I have that they need? 3.How do I submit a pitch? Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca13

14 Making contact 1.What does the editor/producer want? To give readers/viewers/listeners the best tools and strategies to maximize their business and manage their lives. Put yourself in the the viewers shoes and ask, “ Why should I care about this story? What is the impact on me? Compelling material that will turn heads and has strong reason for being run at that time Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca14

15 Know the media Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca15

16 Know the media 1.What does the editor/producer want? 1.Read the website or publication / watch or listen to the broadcast to get a feel for it 2.Look for where they ask for suggestions 3.Check trends (in news, social media) 4.Find or ask for a content calendar Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca16

17 Sample content calendar Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca17

18 Sample content calendar Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca18

19 Sample content calendar Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca19

20 Sample special sections Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca20 Business Examiner Vancouver Island Business Examiner Victoria - Health and wellness in the workplace - Boating and marine - Community in Focus: the Pacific Rim - Community in Focus: Sooke

21 Most media have seasonal sections Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca21 Jewish Independent B.C. Day

22 Know the media 1.What does the editor/producer want? 2.What do I have that they need? 1.What are my areas of expertise? 2.What do I know about trends they may be covering? 3.How do my demographics fit in with their stories? Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca22

23 Play all the angles Pitch topics Asia-Pacific section -New destination status for Canada -Doing business in China -Opportunities in the Pacific Rim -Marketing Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca23

24 Know the media 1.What does the editor/producer want? 2.What do I have that they need? 3.How do I submit a pitch? Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca24

25 Submit your pitch 1.Make subject line COUNT Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca25

26 Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca26

27 Submit your pitch Better subject line Asia Pacific: tourism business from China Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca27

28 “Another” means it’s not news Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca28

29 Forget “media release” etc. for targeted pitches Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca29

30 Forget “news release” etc. for targeted pitches Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca30

31 Not a great pitch Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca31

32 Revised pitch Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca32

33 Submit your pitch 3. Follow up -Email again -subject: “Follow up: HR / Hospitality sections” -one phone message or brief conversation Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca33

34 Media Page Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca34 1. Main contacts, including cel and email 2. High-res images that are easy to download - torso shots (H&V) for owners, managers, chefs, other key people - interior/exterior shots if appropriate - action shots 3. Background and numbers (how many rooms, how many trips, how many customers, how much money, etc.

35 PHASE 2 COACHING Baila Lazarus baila@shaw.ca35 –How to Get Your Business Into the Media Small Business BC

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