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Data Abstractions for the Verification of Web Service Compositions Raman KazhamiakinMarco Pistore DIT, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Abstractions for the Verification of Web Service Compositions Raman KazhamiakinMarco Pistore DIT, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Abstractions for the Verification of Web Service Compositions Raman KazhamiakinMarco Pistore DIT, University of Trento, Italy

2 Loan Approval [ amount < 10000] [amount >= 10000] [risk != low] [ risk == low ] assess result := yes approve Ignoring data affects control flow:

3 Loan Approval [ amount < 10000] [amount >= 10000] [risk != low] [ risk == low ] assess result := yes approve Ignoring data affects control flow:

4 Loan Approval [ amount < 10000] [amount >= 10000] [risk != low] [ risk == low ] assess result := yes approve Ignoring data affects control flow:

5 Loan Approval [ amount < 10000] [amount >= 10000] [risk != low] [ risk == low ] assess result := yes approve Ignoring data affects control flow: Bad scenario: amount> 10000, approve.result = ‘no’, assess.risk = ‘low’, result = ‘yes’

6 Extended Loan Approval Ignoring data hides properties of the system: Bad scenario: amount is reduced, result is not changed Loan Approval [ !answer ] [ amount < 10000 ][ amount >= 10000 ] [risk != low] [ risk == low ] assess approve answer := true result:= amount answer:= false result:=amount amount:= reduce(amount) [! answer] amount result

7 Data Flow Analysis Current approaches Ignoring data and data flowIgnoring data and data flow (LTSA-BPEL, PN-based approaches) Finite data domain instantiationFinite data domain instantiation (WSAT, WS-VERIFY) Challenges Infinite data domainsInfinite data domains – necessity to reason on infinite-state spaces Custom functions and predicatesCustom functions and predicates – inability to reason and evaluate Non-determinismNon-determinism – accurate modeling and representation Problems ComplexityComplexity PrecisionPrecision

8 Solution 1 Conservative abstractionConservative abstraction over-approximationGiven a concrete system C, and a set of predicates (propositions over data), build an abstract system A, s.t. A is an over-approximation of C: L(A) ≥ L(C) For a (universal) property p, if p holds on A, then p holds on C. A converse does not hold existentialThis does not work for existential properties P = “Eventually amount is greater than the initial one”: C satisfies assertion (G ¬ p), and violates possibility (F p) A violates assertion (G ¬ p), and satisfies possibility (F p) Able to give only partial answer!Able to give only partial answer!

9 Solution 2 3-valued abstraction3-valued abstraction Given a concrete system C, build a 3-valued abstract system A, s.t. a proposition may have value true, false or unknown. The result of the property analysis may also have 3 values Reduced to the 2-valued problem with the help of two models/interpretations L(A o ) ≥ L(C) ≥ L(A u ) If property holds on A o, then it holds on C If property is violated in A u, then it is violated in C Less precise w.r.t. previous modelLess precise w.r.t. previous model: P = “Eventually amount is greater or less (or equal) than the initial one”: Property is trivially true A o violates the property!

10 Proposed Solution Hybrid approachHybrid approach Two models E-model: over-approximated abstraction, 2-valued logic K-Model: under-approximated abstraction, knowledge-level representation Universal and existential properties A E ⊧ A φ → C ⊧ A φ → A K ⊧ A φ A K ⊧ P φ → C ⊧ A φ → A P ⊧ A φ

11 Abstract Composition Model valuationSet of predicates P = {p 1,…,p n }, valuation V:P → 2 P Abstract STS B – set of boolean variables corresponding to P S – _PC x 2 P set of states S 0 – set of initial states R – S x S transition relation s.t. ((pc, V), (pc’, V’)) in R iff Exists (s,φ,a,Ω,s’) pc = pc(s) ; pc’ = pc(s’) applicableapplicable[t](V) execV’ = exec[t](V’) a:= 10 b:=1 [a>b]a:=a - 5[!a>b] result:=error P = {(a>b), !(a>b)} (T,F)

12 Branching Model (E-Model) Interpretation: I E (V) – set of states g s.t. V(p) = Eval g (p) applicable E [t](V) iff exists g s.t. Eval g (φ) = true Transition is applicable if its condition is true in some ground state compatible with valuation exec E [t](V) is one of the valuations V’ s.t. exists g in V, for all p V’(p) = Eval update(g,Ω) (p) Result of the execution of transition in an abstract state s is an abstract state s’ compatible with the update applied to one of the ground states compatible with s (T,F) result:=error P = {(a>b), !(a>b)} (T,F) (F,T) (T,F) (F,T)

13 Knowledge-level Model (K-Model) Interpretation: I K (V) – set of states g s.t. if V(p) = true then Eval g (p) = true If proposition is true then it is “known” to be true in all ground states applicable K [t](V) iff for all g Eval g (φ) = true Transition is applicable if its condition is true in every ground state compatible with valuation exec K [t](V) is a valuation V’ s.t. for each p, V’(p) = true iff forall g in V Eval update(g,Ω) (p) = true Result of the execution of transition in an abstract state s is an abstract state s’ with the safest knowledge about propositions P = {(a>b), !(a>b)} (T,F) (F,F)

14 Property Satisfiability K-model of the formula (φ K ): Convert to Negative Normal Form Replace propositions with corresponding boolean variables E-satisfiability Assertion: A E ⊧ A φ iff for each execution π π ⊧ φ Possibility: A E ⊧ P φ iff exists execution π π ⊧ φ K-satisfiability Assertion: A K ⊧ A φ iff for each execution π π not ⊧ (¬φ) K Possibility: A E ⊧ P φ iff exists execution π π ⊧ φ K

15 Analysis approach For an assertion: TRUEProve that E-model satisfies assertion (return TRUE) FALSEIf not, prove that K-model violates assertion (return FALSE) UNKNOWNIf not, refine (return UNKNOWN) For a possibility: TRUEProve that K-model satisfies possibility (return TRUE) FALSEIf not, prove that E-model violates possibility (return FALSE) UNKNOWNIf not, refine (return UNKNOWN)

16 Justifying the approach Over-approximated K-model has less precision Under-approximated E-model is not applicable

17 Challenges Refinement process: When the result is unknown, improve the abstraction s.t. the property satisfiability is known Counterexample analysis: Extract set of propositions that are necessary to improve the analysis Extract assumptions on the abstract functions that would remove non- determinism e.g. if ((b b

18 Loan Approval [ !answer ] Approver Customer Assessor amount [ amount < 10000 ] amount risk [ amount >= 10000 ] [risk != low] amount answer [ risk == low ] result amount := ? risk := ? assess request approve answer := ? answer := true result:= amount answer:= false result:=amount amount:= reduce(amount) [! answer]

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