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The Rosenbaum House Madness. Organization  The Rosenbaum Family Population  Mom  Dad  The Freak: Kid # 1  Her Story  The Artist: Kid # 2  Her Story.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rosenbaum House Madness. Organization  The Rosenbaum Family Population  Mom  Dad  The Freak: Kid # 1  Her Story  The Artist: Kid # 2  Her Story."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rosenbaum House Madness

2 Organization  The Rosenbaum Family Population  Mom  Dad  The Freak: Kid # 1  Her Story  The Artist: Kid # 2  Her Story  The Charmer: Kid # 3  His Story

3 Organization (cont.)  The Blonde: Kid # 4  Her Story  The Student: Kid # 5  My Story  The Baby: Kid # 6  His Story  Conclusion

4 The Rosenbaum Family Population  Mom and dad: Doug and Colleen Rosenbaum  6 kids  Kristin, Marcy, Sam, Katie, Amy, Jesse  5 grandkids  Kendal, Bastian, Luke, Sean, Lilly  Here we go…

5 Dad  Doug Rosenbaum  54 years old  Instructor at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant  Hobbies are playing chess, watching Jeopardy, exercising

6 Mom  Colleen Rosenbaum  Age 52  Homemaker  Hobbies are exercising, gardening, playing with grandkids

7 The Freak: Kid # 1  Kristin Woodring  First Born  Age 27  Homemaker  Hobby is reading about illnesses

8 Her Story  Married January 4 th, 1997 to Dana Woodring  3 children: Kendal (7) Bastian (2) and Luke (2 months)  Scared of reaching 30 years old  Hypochondriac  New fatal illness every day

9 The Artist: Kid # 2  Marcy Watson  2 nd Oldest  Age 25  Artist  Hobbies are clubbing, shopping and painting

10 Her Story  Married on March 31 st, 2002 to Al Watson  Loves to shop at expensive stores  No kids but possibly soon…  Lives in southern Maryland

11 The Charmer: Kid # 3  Sam Rosenbaum  3 rd time is a charm  Age 24 (Valentine Baby)  Operator at Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant  Hobbies are playing poker and sports

12 His Story  Engaged to a Belgian woman  Getting married in Europe July 2004  Likes to play baseball  Loves watching sports  Fun  Has an unpredictable temper

13 The Blonde: Kid # 4  Katie Moore  Are we there yet?  Age 21  Sales Associate at Helzberg Diamonds  Hobbies? She has two kids under age 3!

14 Her Story  Married on December 15 th, 2001 to Keith Moore  The only blonde in the family  2 kids: Sean (2) and Lilly (1)  These two are a handful!  No one knows how Katie and Keith Survive…

15 The Student: Kid # 5  Amy Rosenbaum  Last of the girls  Age 19  Administrative Assistant at Pointe Hilton Resort  Full time student at ASU West  Life Sciences major

16 My Story  Single (as in “not married”)  Main goal: to survive in my house  Live with parents, the Woodrings and little bro Jesse  Career goal: Orthopedic Surgeon

17 The Baby: Kid # 6  Jesse Rosenbaum  Here at last!  Age 16  Junior at Cactus High School (Go Cobras!)  Hobbies are video games and surfing the internet

18  Just starting to drive (watch out!)  Hogs the phone for hours  Definitely a momma’s boy  Spoiled His Story

19 Conclusion One big… Crazy but HAPPY …Family! HOME

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