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Shannon Spurlock, Denver Urban Gardens Jessica Romer, Denver Urban Gardens Andrew Nowak, Slow Food Denver.

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Presentation on theme: "Shannon Spurlock, Denver Urban Gardens Jessica Romer, Denver Urban Gardens Andrew Nowak, Slow Food Denver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shannon Spurlock, Denver Urban Gardens Jessica Romer, Denver Urban Gardens Andrew Nowak, Slow Food Denver

2 ABCD is a process by which neighborhood regeneration can be achieved by locating all of the available local assets and connecting them with one another in ways that multiply their effect. Evidence suggests that real community development takes place only when local people are committed to investing themselves and their resources.


4 Basic horticultural knowledge Culinary education Standards – science, math, literacy, etc. Arts programming Community building Food access Health & wellness Demonstration site Policy change

5 Connecting schools to the larger community Supporting exploration and learning in the garden “I can sit around really well, but it doesn’t seem that sitting around is enough. What I discovered is that I could have an impact on the world and enjoy working with and being around kids and other volunteers. The garden is such a great metaphor for the rest of the world.”

6 Phytochemicals Worm composting in the classroom

7 Using the harvestPlant anatomy

8 Creating garden signage Becoming garden ambassadors

9 Seed startingSpring planting

10 Making pestoFresh tortillas

11 A morning harvestSelling to the cafeteria

12 2012 GTC season 14 school sites 29 types of fruits and veg 1,123 pounds sold $965.89 in sales Fresh produce from gardens

13 Ready to sell!Selling to the community

14 2012 YFM season 29 school sites 3 Boys & Girls Clubs 141 Markets 23,080 pounds sold $26,313 in sales $16,774 from farms $8,997 in profits Late season produce

15 Multiculturalism in the Garden TourHarvest Festivals

16 Donation Models and Community Partnerships

17 DUG programs Master Community Gardeners Helping Kids Get Healthy Educator Workshops Connecting Generations mentors Master Composters Master Gardeners and local experts Professional development School garden volunteers and mentors Local options

18 Slow Food programs Garden to Cafeteria Youth Farmers’ Markets Taste Education Seedling classes School lunch programs Booth at local FM Cooking classes with local chefs; Chefs Move to Schools Partner with local greenhouse Local options

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