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COL155 States and Empires in Mesoamerica Mexica Society & Religion Jonathan Fulton Spring 2014.

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1 COL155 States and Empires in Mesoamerica Mexica Society & Religion Jonathan Fulton Spring 2014

2 Atlantic Region

3 The Americas

4 Aztecs

5 Mesoamerica The Aztecs were 1 of many advanced societies in the Americas before the European encounter. Textbook, p. 318 “Yet between 1000 and 1500 CE the peoples of North and South America … organized large empires with distinctive cultural and religious traditions, and they created elaborate trade networks touching most regions of the Americas.”

6 Pre-Aztecs Society developed over centuries through war and conquest Pre-Aztec societies had extensive trade networks, artisans, craftsmen, and architecture.

7 The Mexica/Aztecs What became Aztec empire started with group called the Mexica. “They had a reputation for making trouble by kidnapping women from nearby communities and seizing land already cultivated by others. On several occasions their neighbors became tired of their disorderly behavior and forced them to move. For a century they migrated around central Mexico, fighting with other peoples and sometimes surviving only by eating fly eggs and snakes.” (p. 319)

8 The Mexica/Aztecs Moved around until settling on an island in Lake Texcoco Here built the city Tenochtitlan Eventually became their capital city Today is Mexico City

9 The Mexica/Aztecs Tenochtitlan: – perfect area for agriculture and defense 7 crops /year Surrounded by water

10 The Mexica/Aztecs Over 100 years, developed economically, militarily. Overpowered many neighboring societies, made them colonies Developed an empire of 12 million people Colonies had to pay tribute – food and manufactured goods

11 The Mexica/Aztecs By early 1500s, Tenochtitlan “was an enormously wealthy city. (319) Collected tribute from 489 subject territories Population of 200,000, with 300,000 in surrounding areas

12 Tenochtitlan Market 1 st Spanish to arrive were astonished by the size of the market and variety of goods for sale: Gold, silver, gems, feathers, embroidery, slaves, cotton, cocoa, animal skins, maize, beans, vegetables, fruits, poultry, meat, fish, salt, paper tools. (317)

13 Tenochtitlan Market “It would take more than 2 days to walk around the market and investigate all the goods offered for sale.” (317) Europeans compared it with markets in Rome and Constantinople (Istanbul)

14 Aztec Society Very hierarchical 1) military elite. Men from good families got the best positions in the military. Military elite received wealth and honors. Most successful soldiers controlled politics Got the best food, best clothes, and best manufactured products

15 Aztec Society Role of women = make babies. They “enjoyed honor as mothers of warriors.” (320) Women who died giving birth were treated like heroes All were expected to get married Laws meant that their fathers or husbands had all authority Worked in marketplace, made crafts

16 Aztec Society Priests Received training in omens and religious ceremonies. Had influence advising Aztec leaders

17 Aztec Society Commoners Worked in agriculture, taking care of their own land and sometimes the land of aristocrats and warriors

18 Aztec Society Slaves Usually from their own society Worked as domestic servants Criminals or people who had financial problems

19 Artisans and Merchants Artisans worked with gold & silver and made products for elites Therefore had a relatively good position Merchants traded over long distances & dealt with luxury items. Their travels meant that they also supplied political and military intelligence.

20 Religion Polytheistic (more than one god) The blood of sacrifice allowed the earth to become moist enough to grow food. To make the gods happy, Aztecs believed they also must offer human sacrifices. They also believed that human sacrifice was “a ritual essential to the world’s survival” (322)

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