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We are the Space Makers! Here is our team. How we got to our idea Friday night Idea – Utilising the unused office space in the city Saturday morning.

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Presentation on theme: "We are the Space Makers! Here is our team. How we got to our idea Friday night Idea – Utilising the unused office space in the city Saturday morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 We are the Space Makers! Here is our team


3 How we got to our idea Friday night Idea – Utilising the unused office space in the city Saturday morning Market research – lots mind-mapping Realised it was the existing environment and people

4 Lack of flexibility Different requirements depending on work collaboration vs focus have to move offices No control Bored, lacking motivation and tedious People didn’t enjoy their environment Interruptions distractions people Environment social media lighting

5 Solution

6 Stake holders/Personas


8 Identified different modes

9 User journey

10 WorkWell A dynamic and customisable work environment optimising productivity, flexibility and happiness

11 WorkWell Solves the problem: Generic office environments when everyone requires different environmental set ups to achieve their goals as well as different environments depending on the type of work they are completing.

12 We came up with a two pronged approach that tackles the virtual and real world office environment requirements Two types of prototypes to illustrate the end user experience. 1.One version is aimed at everyday office worker Paul 2.The other fully integrated office environment and app is aimed at Brian and end user is still Paul Integration

13 User experience Please view our video of Pauls experience and app functionality/prototype c0&

14 Business model App based integration 9-5 Paul Standard mode features One off - £1.50 Pro version Monthly subscription Historic learning Reports Full customisation Full office integration Business/office owner Brian One off cost ~2-4K per desk/occupant Partition, lighting, desktop Subscription service Customer support The pro business app Leader boards/rewards Monitoring participants Rates - bespoke to needs

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