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Problem"fathers" and "children" it is eternal as this far not best of the worlds. Vary only forms it displays. heat opposition too happens a miscellaneous.

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2 Problem"fathers" and "children" it is eternal as this far not best of the worlds. Vary only forms it displays. heat opposition too happens a miscellaneous - from to claps a door in own house up to terrorism in scales of a planet.

3 It is possible to consider as the beginning of movement of hippie 1965 in the USA. Main principle of subculture was the nonviolence. The hippie carried long hair («haets»), listened to a rock-and- roll (in particular « I Got You Babe » Sonne and Har), used drugs (mainly marihuana, but also hashish and LSD), lived in communes (the commune most known nowadays was in Denmark - the Free city of Christiania), travelled a self-locking device, took a great interest in meditation both east mysticism and religions, mainly a zen-Buddhism, indyizm and daosizm, many of them were vegetarians

4 As the hippie often intertwined with flowers in hair, distributed flowers to passers-by and inserted them into weapon barrels of policemen and the soldier and as used the slogan « Flower Power » ("force", or « authority of colors »), them began to name « children of colors ».

5 The peak of popularity of movement has fallen to 1967 (so-called « summer of love ») when informal hymns of hippie --A « San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair) » (the author have been let out - John Phillips from The Mamas and the Papas, was executed by the singer Scott (MakKensi), « All You Need Is Love » and « She’s Leaving Home » The Beatles.

6 –In 1970th years movement of hippie has started to lose popularity ((((

7 Personally I concern to one of subcultures!!! But having looked at me it is possible to tell that I concern to youth current!!! But this erroneous opinion, simply is pleasant to me such fashion!!! I concern well to those subcultures which are not aggressive!!!


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