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A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association NYSPFP Preventable Readmissions Pilot Project.

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Presentation on theme: "A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association NYSPFP Preventable Readmissions Pilot Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 A partnership of the Healthcare Association of New York State and the Greater New York Hospital Association NYSPFP Preventable Readmissions Pilot Project Hospital Storyboard Companion Guide August 2014

2 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Instructions o This storyboard will be used to tell other hospitals about your team’s experience with one or more of the pilot phases **: Phase 1 – On Admission, Phase 2 – During the Hospital Stay, or Phase 3 – Discharge Day and Beyond, of the NYSPFP Readmissions Pilot. ** Please note: hospitals are welcome to do more than one storyboard. o Please highlight your team’s experience with planning and implementing one or more of the pilot phases: (i.e., Phase 1, Phase 2, or Phase 3), including: o Successful strategies and tips o Challenges faced by your team o Data and outcomes o Key lessons learned (good, bad and “pearls”) o Next Steps for spread and hardwiring 2

3 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Hospital and Team Information o Hospital Name and Demographics: o Location; number of beds; services; notable community characteristics especially as related to preventing readmissions o Describe Your Hospital Readmission Team: o Come up with a creative team name - List of team participants (name, title, discipline) o Insert a team picture on the page provided 3

4 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Indicate the Pilot Phase Being Summarized Address your summary in the context of the Phase Objectives: o Phase 1 – Admission o Identify patients on admission who are at risk for readmission using an “any risk” assessment approach. o Assemble a multidisciplinary team to address interventions that will mitigate risks for readmission. o Phase 2 – Hospital Stay o Prepare patient and caregiver for discharge, beginning at admission. o Conduct ongoing patient reassessment to identify new or changing risk factors. o Ensure systems for multidisciplinary communication, coordination, planning, and evaluation. o Utilize teach-back or other patient educational approach. o Phase 3 - Discharge o Ensure patient and family/caregiver are fully prepared for post hospital care. o Provide timely and thorough communication to post hospital providers.

5 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Highlight Your Successful Strategies & Tips for the Phase o Phase 1 (for example) o Successes with team assembly and established role responsibility o Integration of the “any risk” assessment approach o Tips for early identification and mitigation of risk o Phase 2 (for example) o Strategies for strong and fluid team communications o Tips for patient/family inclusion as part of the team o Successful patient/family education validation practice 5

6 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Highlight Your Successful Strategies & Tips for the Phase (continued) o Phase 3 (for example) o Final verification of patient/family preparation for discharge o Timely, and thorough communication to the post- discharge provider(s) o Thorough medication reconciliation with all discrepancies addressed o Post-discharge follow-up PCP and/or specialty appointment arranged pre-discharge o Post-discharge patient/family calls with 48-72 hours 6

7 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Describe Challenges (for example) o What were challenges and barriers encountered: o Staff education and engagement o Referral timeframes not met o Inconsistent follow-through and lack of feedback o Communication vehicles not used o No formal steps to reassess patient’s risk o Describe steps to overcome challenges and barriers: o Held a team focus group o Changed communications vehicle o Multi-disciplinary daily rounding, daily goal sheets, etc. 7

8 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Key Lessons Learned o Describe some new understandings that resulted from your participation in the pilot phase work. For example: o Nursing admission assessment could be adapted to include an “any risk” approach. o The disciplines were able to establish risk mitigation plans earlier in the stay due to the timely on admission risk identification process. o Specific members of the team must be responsible for medication reconciliation at every transition to ensure it is completed. 8

9 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Steps to Spread and Hardwire o Share plans to continue your readmission prevention efforts hospital-wide. For example: o What areas still need to be “rapid” tests of change? o How will you expand process improvements from one unit to the next? o How will you formalize the new processes? o What steps will be taken to monitor new processes put in place? o What two-way feedback mechanism will be in place for the team, patient and families for continued process improvement? 9

10 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Outcomes and Data o Insert data here, demonstrating outcomes from pilot phase. For example: o Unit readmission rate trends before and after pilot phase implementation o Pilot unit readmission rate as compared to hospital overall rate o Readmission reasons before and after pilot phase implementation o Percent of post-discharge follow-up appointment made prior to discharge o Percent of post-discharge follow-up phone calls made within 72 hours of discharge 10

11 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Data Aggregate Tool & Available Reports 11


13 NYS PARTNERSHIP FOR PATIENTS Next Steps o Choose a Team Name (optional) o Contact your NYSPFP Project Manager for assistance o Storyboard Due Date: September 22, 2014 o Please send completed Storyboard to your NYSPFP Project Manager. o Register and attend regional in-person educational conference Register 13

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