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Public Health Accreditation: Tribal Collaboration and Action Robin Wilcox, MPA, Chief Program Officer Public Health Accreditation Board January 23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health Accreditation: Tribal Collaboration and Action Robin Wilcox, MPA, Chief Program Officer Public Health Accreditation Board January 23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health Accreditation: Tribal Collaboration and Action Robin Wilcox, MPA, Chief Program Officer Public Health Accreditation Board January 23, 2012

2 Voluntary Accreditation Goal The goal of a voluntary national accreditation program is to improve and protect the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of state,local, tribal and territorial public health departments.

3 What is Public Health Accreditation? The measurement of health department performance against a set of nationally recognized, practice- focused and evidenced-based standards. The issuance of recognition of achievement of accreditation within a specified time frame by a nationally recognized entity. The continual development, revision, and distribution of public health standards.

4 Program Status PHAB incorporated May 2007 Standards Development & Process Design Beta Test 30 HDs; 3 Tribal Launch: September 14, 2011 49 health departments in system Some site visits spring and summer 1 st Accredited health departments

5 Resources

6 Accreditation Support Materials x

7 PHAB Accreditation Materials 1.The Guide to National Public Health Department Accreditation, Version 1.0 2.Public Health Department Accreditation Standards and Measures, Version 1.0 3.Readiness Checklists, Version 1.0 4.Documentation Guidance, Version 1.0 5.Acronyms and Glossary of Terms, Version 1.0 6.PHAB Newsletter 7.2011-2012 Educational Services Offered by PHAB 8.Accreditation Coordinators Handbook (under development)


9 Standards and Measures Version 1.0


11 Principles of Standards and Measures Advance the collective public health practice Moderate level: not minimum, not maximum Be simple, reduce redundancy, minimize burden Apply to all sizes of HDs and all forms of governance structure Establish same or similar standards for state and local and Tribal health departments wherever possible Build quality improvement into standards

12 Twelve Domains 1.Conduct assessments focused on population health status and health issues facing the community 2.Investigate health problems and environmental public health hazards to protect the community 3.Inform and educate about public health issues and functions 4.Engage with the community to identify and solve health problems 5.Develop public health policies and plans 6.Enforce public health laws and regulations 7.Promote strategies to improve access to healthcare services 8.Maintain a competent public health workforce 9.Evaluate and continuously improve processes, programs, and interventions 10.Contribute to and apply the evidence base of public health 11.Maintain administrative and management capacity 12.Build a strong and effective relationship with governing entity

13 Structural Framework Domain Standard Measure Documentation Guidance



16 Tribal Health Department Accreditation Create a public health accreditation program that is relevant to Tribal public health systems Tribal PH Accreditation Think Tank Engage in a Tribal consultation process Tribal Standards Development Workgroup Adopt recommendation

17 Tribal Standards Development Workgroup 8 Tribal representatives & 4 Standards Development Workgroup members Sept 2010 – Feb 2011 Process –Review standards –Develop first draft –National Call for Tribal input –Finalize recommendations (incorporate into Standards and Measures, Version 1.0

18 The PHAB Accreditation Process

19 Seven Steps 1. Pre-application Applicant prepares and assesses readiness, informs PHAB of its intent to apply (SOI) 2. Application & Training Submits application and pre- requisites and receives training 3. Documentation Selection and Submission 4. Site Visit Site visit and site visit report 5. Accreditation Decisions PHAB Accreditation Committee Accredited (5 years) or Not Accredited 6. Reports Annual progress reports 7. Reaccreditation

20 1. Pre-App: Readiness Checklists Assists with health department preparation for accreditation –Initial Readiness –Prerequisites –Process –Organization Optional, but recommended Not submitted to PHAB


22 Accreditation Information System


24 Site Visit Report Score Each Measure  Not Demonstrated  Slightly Demonstrated  Largely Demonstrated  Fully Demonstrated Comment on Score Areas of Excellence Opportunities for Improvement

25 Documentation Guidance Types, reuse, multiple documents, timeframes, signing & dating, documentation developed by others, etc.

26 PHAB Acronyms and Glossary Accreditation Related Terms

27 News Announcements Word on the Street PHAB Monthly Newsletter

28 Accreditation Coordinators Handbook (to be released in February 2011)

29 - Statement of Intent - Application - Fees - Education Services - How to select HD Accreditation Coordinator (TBD) - Update Tribal Health Dept. Fact Sheets

30 Various Webinars including Tribal Health Department webinar (spring) Training Opportunities

31 Videos to Watch! 7z_sA&feature=player_err Five questions with Jim Marks and with Kaye Bender – 11

32 Transformation Through Accreditation and QI Set focus on a vital few priorities Create a sense of urgency for measurable results and a culture of quality Engage every employee Build QI time into daily workload Adopt fact-based decision making Ensures transparent accountability Reward and celebrate progress

33 Accreditation Themes Quality Improvement Community engagement Planning Leadership and governance Partnerships Customer focus Workforce development

34 Moving Forward

35 PHAB & NIHB: Partners Webinar for Tribal health departments Fact sheet MOU o Signed in 2009 o Agreements around development of program o Revise

36 Why Would My Health Department Want to be Accredited?

37 Benefits of Accreditation ( individually and collectively ) Increased credibility Increased visibility and accountability Potential access to new funds Potential streamlined reporting Access to knowledgeable peers for review and comment on performance Opportunity to leave the health department better than you found it!

38 Beta Test Feedback We've got a very clear roadmap to guide us in the months ahead….It's been such a wonderful journey, with greater awards than I imagined.” “...had a positive effect on those staff involved by providing opportunities to learn about the department in-depth and how much we do for the people who live and visit our state.” “ helped jumpstart the process to create a QI culture for the agency as a whole.”

39 Public Health Accreditation Board 1600 Duke Street, Suite 440 Alexandria, VA 22314 703.778.4549 SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THE PHAB NEWSLETTER

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