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JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Developing a Course Module with Adobe Presenter.

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1 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Developing a Course Module with Adobe Presenter Tutorials

2 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Understanding Adobe Presenter (Morning Discussion) Developing Course Module with Adobe Presenter (Morning Discussion) Adding audio narration into Adobe Presenter (Afternoon Skills) Adding a Quiz to a Lesson in Adobe Presenter (Afternoon Skills) Publishing Adobe Presenter Module for use in LMSs - SCORM (Afternoon Skills) Creating a Lesson Introduction with Adobe Presenter Video Express (Afternoon Skills) Topics for Day 3

3 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Understanding Adobe Presenter and Presenter Video Express

4 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. By the end of this lesson, the participant faculty will understand the structure of Adobe presenter, its usefulness and how to use it in developing on-line course tutorials. Objective

5 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. What is Adobe Presenter 10? Adobe Presenter is a screen-casting eLearning software Adobe Presenter combines two programs in-one on the Windows platform. ▫ Adobe presenter ▫ Adobe Video Express On the MAC OS platform, only Adobe Presenter Video Express is available Primarily, Adobe Presenter allows you to create, record and edit your eLearning presentations

6 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. What is Adobe Presenter 10? (cont.) Adobe Presenter is a PowerPoint plug-in. It installs in Windows and adds a tab to PowerPoint All the functionalities of Adobe Presenter 10 happen within PowerPoint Adobe Presenter 10 cannot operate without PowerPoint Adobe Presenter 10 allows you to add additional interactions in PowerPoint Adobe Presenter can connect to LMSs

7 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. More about Presenter Only available in Windows and NOT MAC/OS Provide enhanced audio add-in Can include quizzes and tests in a presentation Can insert video and SWF files into presentations Can use it to create robust interactions Ability to publish to WEB, SWF or LMS

8 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. What is Adobe Presenter Video Express? Adobe Video Express is a stand-alone video recorder Uses WEB cam to record the instructor Use its "internal camera" to record on-screen activities (PowerPoint presentation / simulations) Adobe Presenter Video Express can be accessed from inside PowerPoint (windows) or as a stand alone (Windows and MAC/OS)

9 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. More about Adobe Video Express Available on both Windows and MAC/OS platforms Can be used to create simulations Record self using WEB cam Good for creating Intros and Outros Have limited video editing capabilities Can have audio overlay while recording Screen (i.e. PPT presentation, simulations...)

10 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. How Presenter / video express work ActivityPresenterVideo Express Record 2 activities simultanously NoYes Works in PowerPoint to create media-rich presentation YesNo * Records video using web cam No *Yes Available on the MAC NoYes Available on the PC Yes Allows for the creation of Quizes YesNo Publish to LMSs YesNo

11 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint AUDIO These set of tools allows you in insert, edit, import and synchronize audio to the slide show. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Theme s Analytics Video Audio

12 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint VIDEO This tool allows you to launch Adobe Presenter Video Express. You can record your PowerPoint presentation and save it as a video with audio narration. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

13 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint APPLICATION SIMULATION The application’s simulation tools allows the user to record onscreen simulation of software or any activity on the screen.. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

14 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint INSERT These set of commands allows you to insert and use characters, scenes, videos and interactions. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

15 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint QUIZ The Quiz group allows the user to create and manage quizzes. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

16 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint THEMES This commands allows the user to change the appearance or the colors of the template used in the presentation. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

17 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint PRESENTATION The presentation group is where the user can preview, publish or package their presentation. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

18 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint ANALYTICS This command allows the user to indicate whether they want to monitor the usage of the module and also to allow/disallow collaboration. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

19 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. A Closer Look at the Presenter TAB in PowerPoint TOOLS In the Tools group the user has commands to allow them to setup Adobe Presenter environment; additionally, the slide manager can be found in this group. Insert Objects Create Quizes Application Simulation Presentations Tools Themes Analytics Video Audio

20 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Developing an e-Learning Course Module with Adobe Presenter

21 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Objective The objective of this lesson is to prepare the participating faculty to understand and master the thinking process necessary for developing a course module using Adobe presenter; so they can use the knowledge to develop a lesson following the instructions.

22 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Defining eLearning - Simply E-Learning in the practice of using modern-day electronic technology to enable people to learn anytime and from anywhere. The basic assumption is that the material will always be available The materials will always be accessible The material can be learned without the Instructor physically being present Learning can be assessed and measured Learner has access to the instructor “on demand”

23 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. E-Learning Module Development and Adobe Presenter The premise behind eLearning is that it is a means to Learning – Education Learning in the most part is approached from specific time-tested pedagogies ▫ Resource based learning ▫ Problem based learning ▫ Collaborative learning ▫ Narrative based teaching ▫ Constructivism As an Instructor, you must identify what pedagogical approach will be best for the content of the topic at hand

24 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Basic Questions to Ask (for group discussion) Is e-learning an effective means to education? Are today’s learners in JCIS ready for eLearning? (specifically ask this of your student population) Would you need to adopt a New learning model? In what way(s) do people’s learning differ in a digital environment?

25 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Four Components of an eLearning Module Development with Adobe Presenter ComponentWhat is included IntroThis is where the learner is given an overall introduction to the module including any specific directions to follow ContentThe content section contains the main lesson. Each module ideally is a complete lesson. AssessmentThe assessment section is where the instructor may include a quiz to assess whether or not students has mastered specific materials covered. OutroThe Outro is where the instructor provides student learners with concluding statements and any other post content delivery information.

26 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Intro You may get better results by using Adobe Video Express Record instructor ▫ Welcoming learners to the course ▫ Giving instructions to learners ▫ Giving specific information about what to expect The intro should not be too long (maybe a couple of minutes) Speak clearly. Use a headset with a good microphone or system mic. Ensure there is enough light in the room and placed appropriately for clear video Using a prepared script will produce better result

27 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Content / Assessment Sections Break down your lesson into manageable slides Break the lesson into concepts (groups) slides that teaching a concept within the lesson ▫ After each of these concepts, you may want to assess whether your learners have mastered the just taught materials by adding an assessment (Quiz) ▫ The quiz can be designed as a review ▫ The quiz can be a test that the learner must “pass” before they advance to the next concept ▫ The quiz can be any number of questions An example can look like this: Slides 1 – 6, Quiz, Slides 7 – 11, Quiz, slides 12 – 22, Quiz and END)

28 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Content / Assessment Sections ( cont.) An example can look like this: Slides 1 – 6, Quiz, Slides 7 – 11, Quiz, slides 12 – 22, Quiz and END) Intro Slides 9 - 23 Quiz Slides Slides 2 - 8 Outro Quiz Slides Assessment Contents Delivery LessonIntroductionLessonConclusion

29 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Outro An Outro is very similar to a conclusion but it is important to use the Outro to help learners put things together more than you would in a normal conclusion ▫ Give an overall summery of what you expected students to have learnt ▫ Make a connection between the just ended lesson and the next lesson Make it brief and yet informative If possible record the instructor video using Adobe Video Express as done with the Intro

30 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. When Developing eLearning Content The looks of matter Maintain a consistent look that your learners can identify with and help them remember Use the Slide Master in PowerPoint to create a re-useable template Personalize the delivery of content to reflect your personality as your learners know you Use interactive elements In PowerPoint to complement Adobe presenter ▫ Shapes ▫ Gradients Avoid, if possible, the use of default PowerPoint themes and Designs

31 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Consider providing Navigation Navigations allow students the ability to control and take charge of their learning Adobe presenter integrates the animation and navigation features used while creating the PowerPoint ▫ Disable the default PowerPoint slide advancing features ▫ Add advance animation features that students can use in navigation With advanced control and navigation, learners are able to pace their learning

32 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Publishing your Module How you publish your presentation is as important as developing it Before publishing your module ▫ Decide where you are going to deploy your module ▫ Decide whether you want to enable Analytics to monitor use ▫ Decide whether you are going to enable collaboration Preview you module and test it carefully going through it entirely as your learner would If tying it to an LMS, be sure to prepare your module for the specific LMS Consider the devices your learners will be using

33 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Remember... (here are some questions for Group discussions) You will NOT be there when your students embark on this learning experience ▫ What can you do to make their learning experience richer? ▫ What additional resources can you provide to enhance their learning experience? ▫ Will adding a discussion board be helpful to them? ▫ What are some perceived obstacle that your students might face?  How can you help limit these obstacle? As an instructor, how will you evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson?

34 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. During the afternoon session, we will practice how to create a course module with Adobe Presenter 10 – the following will be covered ▫ Adding audio narration into Adobe Presenter ▫ Adding a Quiz to a Lesson in Adobe Presenter ▫ Publishing Adobe Presenter Module for use in LMSs - SCORM ▫ Creating a Lesson Introduction with Adobe Presenter Video Express Afternoon Session Handout for these activities are included in the training Job Aid “JCIS e-Learning Training Job Aids.exe”

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