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Presentation Skills! Lori DeForest and Peter McCarthy DATAG 12/7/12.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Skills! Lori DeForest and Peter McCarthy DATAG 12/7/12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Skills! Lori DeForest and Peter McCarthy DATAG 12/7/12

2 Grounding Name, position, location How I feel about being here My expectations

3 3 3 Grounding: How? Each person speaks in turn All others attend non-verbally

4 4 4 Processing the Experience “Adults do not learn from experience. They learn from processing experiences.”

5 Debrief: Process What were some ways “Grounding” brought you into the room? What are some of the benefits of using this with a group? When might you use this strategy? 5

6 6 6 Grounding: What & Why? Establish norm of respectful listening Get all voices in the room Connect group members Allow expression of hopes & fears Value thinking and feeling

7 7 7 Inclusion Activities Set norms of participation Focus mental energy in the room Answer the question, “Who am I in relationship to this group?” Begin the journey from “me-ness” to “we-ness”

8 Our Safari: Planning Delivery Presenter Considerations

9 Triple Track Agenda Track 2 Applications for these strategies with adult groups, and tips for sharing them with others Track 3 Applications for these strategies in classrooms with students Track 1 Strategies to support your learning here in this room

10 Planning

11 Presenter - Facilitator Presenter To present is to teach To extend and enrich knowledge, skills, or attitudes and to have these applied in people's work Facilitator Facilitate: to make easier To conduct a meeting for dialogue, decision making, planning, or problem solving

12 Standing Partners Find someone you don’t know. Join them for a standing conversation. Share your understanding of the distinction between Presenting and Facilitation. Consider an upcoming event that you are planning. Will your role in this event be primarily as a presenter or facilitator?

13 Text Tagging What? Text processing strategy Why? Allows participants to cognitively interact with text Allows presenter to use text as the expert How? As indicated on next slide,

14 Presentation/Facilitation Questions: Text Tagging Mark your question sheet as follows: - Very Important - Needs Clarification - New to me

15 Four Audiences WHAT? Professors Want mastery and competence Engage them with facts WHY? Scientists Want to understand and comprehend Involve them in formulating ideas SO WHAT? Friends Want involvement and engagement Attend to feelings WHAT IF? Inventors Want to adapt and create Take them on flights of fantasy

16 Delivery What are some things you see and hear in an effective presentation? Looks LikeSounds Like

17 17 Format for Strategies Presentation What? Name and describe the strategy Why? Offer rationale/research How? Steps visually available

18 Choose Voice Credible Voice Approachable Voice

19 Voice Considerations Credible Still Sending Is Silent Approachable Bobs Fluid Seeking Noises Head Body Uses When Silent

20 Eight Great Moves Here is my most important point… Pausing Visual Paragraph Megaphone Echo Numbers Physical Signals Choral Repeats

21 Say Something 1.Individually read to the designated place. 2.Once you and your partner have reached that point, “Say Something” to each other. Brief summary Key point Interesting idea New connection 3. Repeat the process for each reading section. Created by Jerome Harste

22 Resistance Resistance is a healthy reaction that enables people to take care of themselves under difficult conditions. - Bob Garmston, The Presenters’ Fieldbook How does this affect your thinking about resistance?

23 Top Ten Ways to Work With Challenging Participants Norms (Paraphrase) Agenda Review: Purpose, Time Protocols; What-why- how Group reflection Feedback Satisfy, satisfy, delay Parking lot Change location Balcony view Pause and Breathe

24 Pairs Square Form pairs Respond to the following prompt: –“The strategy I will put into practice is…” Two partners join with another pair New team of four shares and compares information Report out to whole group

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