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Presenter’s Name in 24pt Tahoma U2U Title – 36pt, Three Lines Max. Anchor: Bottom Left Month Year in 18pt Tahoma (ex. January 2015) Presenter’s Title in.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter’s Name in 24pt Tahoma U2U Title – 36pt, Three Lines Max. Anchor: Bottom Left Month Year in 18pt Tahoma (ex. January 2015) Presenter’s Title in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter’s Name in 24pt Tahoma U2U Title – 36pt, Three Lines Max. Anchor: Bottom Left Month Year in 18pt Tahoma (ex. January 2015) Presenter’s Title in 18pt Tahoma Company Name 18pt Tahoma

2 Adding a Source Your Initials, Presentation Title, Month Year 2 Copy the “source” text box below Go to the slide needing a source and paste —The source box will paste into the correct location (delete or move anything in that location before pasting) Edit the text but do not move or otherwise change it —The source line is anchored to the slide’s left edge —The bottom of the text aligns with the color rule on the right To easily access this “source” text box, keep this slide in your presentation during development —A good place to store it temporarily is before the title slide while you develop the deck Source: Notes are in Tahoma, regular, 8 point, italic, flush left, vertically aligned from the bottom of text box.

3 Objectives & Results Slide Your Initials, Presentation Title, Month Year 3 Objectives This is a customized slide First line has bullet turned off, text is bold so it becomes a subheading Square bullets now emphasize key points instead of dashes Import this slide to your presentation & update the text Results Donec accumsan interdum ultrices Consectetur adipiscing elit Donec accumsan interdum ultrices CUSTOMIZED SLIDE Update with your content


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