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NEPTUNE By: Tyra, Janiqua, and Mariah. * Neptune is eight planets away from the sun. It is the farthest planet away from the sun.

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Presentation on theme: "NEPTUNE By: Tyra, Janiqua, and Mariah. * Neptune is eight planets away from the sun. It is the farthest planet away from the sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEPTUNE By: Tyra, Janiqua, and Mariah

2 * Neptune is eight planets away from the sun. It is the farthest planet away from the sun.

3 * It is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the third-largest by mass.

4 * Neptune has 14 known moons. * The moons are Triton, Nereid, Proteus, Naiad, Thalassa, Galatea, Larissa, Despina, Psamathe, Neso, Sao, Laomedeia,and Halimede.

5 * Neptune is a large, water planet with a blue hydrogen-methane atmosphere and faint rings.


7 * How many moons does Neptune have? * 1). 14 * 2). 13 * 3). 16 Answer:14

8 * How many planets away from the sun is Neptune? * 1). 6 * 2). 8 * 3). 9 * Answer: 8

9 * Is Neptune the farthest planet away from the sun? * 1). Yes * 2). No * Answer: yes

10 * Is Neptune an * 1). Gas planet * 2). Animal planet * 3). Water planet * Answer: 3

11 * Neptune is the _______ largest planet by diameter. * 1). 4 th * 2). 2 nd * 3). 3 rd * Answer: 4 th

12 * * system.html system.html * =929&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=x&ei=iyqqvkxwffacsqsa54hybq&ved=0cayq_au oaq&surl=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=4tcqNDqs_NEPnM%253A%3BKCeESUeGb2iFg 07%252FNeptune-moons-panel-all- 2F16%252Fneptunes-hidden-moon-discovered-on-a-whim%252F%3B829%3B295

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