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Turn Brain Science Into Bucks Presented By: Heather Lloyd-Martin CEO, SuccessWorks Easy ways to unlock your prospect’s minds with consumer psychology and.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn Brain Science Into Bucks Presented By: Heather Lloyd-Martin CEO, SuccessWorks Easy ways to unlock your prospect’s minds with consumer psychology and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Turn Brain Science Into Bucks Presented By: Heather Lloyd-Martin CEO, SuccessWorks Easy ways to unlock your prospect’s minds with consumer psychology and neuromarketing

2 Content marketing is more than just writing...


4 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs/Marketing Style Physiological Needs Safety Needs Social Needs Esteem Needs SelfActualization

5 Physiological Needs

6 Safety Needs

7 Social Needs

8 Esteem Needs

9 Specific Things You Can Do Jump on to the bandwagon approach Leverage the power of social proof Understand the best time you can ask for a testimonial Focus - not overwhelm - your customer Learn why “free” isn’t always good Help customers make the decisions you want with compromise products

10 The Bandwagon Effect

11 No matter We Like to Feel Like We’re “One of the Crowd” Text No matter how “different” we feel we are, we want to do what other people like us are doing.

12 Mirror Neurons

13 We look at things like Twitter “followers” to determine worth

14 How You Can Leverage This Include logos/names of current/past clients. PR/content marketing campaign to build brand. If you have a service-oriented site, consider adding a blog (for comments) or testimonials (more on that later.) Twitter for personal branding

15 How to Work with Testimonials It’s not just getting testimonials, it’s matching the testimonial to the offer, target audience and where someone is in the purchasing decision.

16 How to Leverage This... People want to know that you can help them with their needs. If you have different target audiences (small business, enterprise level,) match the testimonial to the audience.

17 Matching the Testimonial to the Vertical

18 Best Time to Ask for a Testimonial?

19 The Need to Differentiate

20 Head and Shoulders Test Reduced choices from 26 to 15 - received a 10 percent increase in sales



23 How to Leverage This Don’t let your customers overwhelm - reduce choices, test, and consider reducing again. Know that there is power in simple...too many choices confuse.

24 When “Free” is Not Good

25 How to Leverage This… If you’re providing an incentive gift, include the value of the gift in the text If you’re offering a “discount,” consider including the retail price. If you’re offering a “savings” - tell them how much.

26 Compromise choices Text

27 27 What to know... People compromise between a low-priced product and a higher priced product by opting for the less expensive version. If there are three choices, the “middle choice” is often chosen. 27

28 Example of pricing structure Boost sales by changing the order in which you make your request.

29 How to Leverage Slice “choices” to three (differentiation) Place the most expensive option first - everything else looks like a bargain...or Highlight/default (or place in the middle of three choices) the choice you want people to take. Consider decoy marketing

30 Decoy Marketing Offer one so-so choice - it makes the other choices seem better

31 31 Takeaways Better understanding of psychological processes = more effective online sales. How you strategies your writing is more than just keywords - it’s also understanding your prospects’ underlying motivations. 32

32 Heather Lloyd-Martin Blog: Twitter:

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