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Community Relations Decoys Decoy shall be under age 20 Decoy shall carry own I.D. The decoy must show I.D. if asked Decoy shall answer truthfully any.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Relations Decoys Decoy shall be under age 20 Decoy shall carry own I.D. The decoy must show I.D. if asked Decoy shall answer truthfully any."— Presentation transcript:


2 Community Relations

3 Decoys Decoy shall be under age 20 Decoy shall carry own I.D. The decoy must show I.D. if asked Decoy shall answer truthfully any question about his/her age Officer shall make reasonable try to have decoy identify seller face to face Decoy shall appear under age 21

4 Types of Liability Fine ($) Community Service Jail RevocationMoney Judgment Incident CriminalAdministrativeCivil

5 Reducing Risks of Liability Discourage intoxication; promote food and non-alcoholic drinks Promote safe rides No drinking on duty Responsible promotions Training for staff Adequate staffing Written policies Hire qualified employees Support employee’s decisions

6 “Every person who sells, furnishes, gives, or causes to be sold, furnished or given away, any alcoholic beverage to any person under the age of 21 years is guilty of a misdemeanor.” Sale to a Minor

7 Purchase/Consumption by Minors “Any person under the age of 21 years who purchases any alcoholic beverage, or any person under the age of 21 years who consumes any alcoholic beverage in any on- sale premises, is guilty of a misdemeanor.”

8 Use-Lose Law A person age 13-20 who is convicted of any alcoholic- or drug-related crime will have his or her driving privileges suspended for one year. If the person does not yet drive, there is a one year delay in getting a license.

9 Right to Refuse Service You have the legal right to refuse service to anyone who cannot produce adequate written evidence of age.

10 Bona Fide I.D. Issued by a governmental agency Name Date of birth Description Photograph Currently valid (not expired) Driver’s license Government I.D. card (federal, state, city or county) Examples of acceptable I.D.:

11 F-L-A-G System for Checking I.D. Ask for I.D. if they look under 30, then: eel ook sk ive Back/Police


13 Ultra-violet Security Feature Counterfeit Genuine Ultra-violet Security Feature Counterfeit Genuine

14 Factors Affecting Intoxication Gender Mood Food Amount of alcohol consumed Speed of consumption Physical Condition Tolerance Medication Carbonation

15 Signs of Intoxication Inhibitions

16 Signs of Intoxication Inhibitions Judgment Reactions

17 Signs of Intoxication Inhibitions Judgment Reactions Coordination

18 Signs of Intoxication Inhibitions Judgment Reactions Coordination Physical appearance

19 Refusing Service Advise management Be courteous, but firm Focus on yourself Don’t bargain or back down Arrange for a safe ride --don’t embarrass Document the incident -- use “I” statements

20 Sale to Obviously Intoxicated Person “Every person who sells, furnishes, gives, or causes to be sold, furnished or given away, any alcoholic beverage to any OBVIOUSLY intoxicated person is guilty of a misdemeanor.”

21 Public Intoxication In a public place Under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs Unable to exercise care for own safety or the safety of others

22 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) It is a crime for any person with a blood alcohol concentration of.08% or higher to operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway. It is ZERO TOLERANCE if the driver is under age 21.

23 Thank you for your participation! “THINK BEFORE YOU SERVE…” Inv Carol Nolan 916-263-4216 vm

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