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School-Wide PBIS: Planning for Implementation Day 4

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Presentation on theme: "School-Wide PBIS: Planning for Implementation Day 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 School-Wide PBIS: Planning for Implementation Day 4

2 Goals for Today Plan for next years PBIS implementation and role out Develop a PBIS handbook Develop a plan for involving families Review PBIS assessments and develop a action plan Team Presentations

3 Materials SCCOE PBIS Website – Resources Tier 1 Day 4 materials/presentations

4 Working Agreements Be Focused and Engaged Participate in discussions and activities Be an active listener Be present for the entire training Support others by reducing distraction Use electronics responsibly Limit side conversations Take care of your personal needs Use restroom as needed Take emergency texts/calls outside

5 Team Progress Reports QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet How has your SW-PBIS implementation effort been going? What has worked? What has been challenging? Discuss Day 1-3 tasks Share out what has worked and what has been challenging Prepare for Team Presentation WS#1 PBIS Tier 1 Training Tasks: Day 1-3

6 PBIS Café Presents : SW PBIS Team presentations

7 PBIS Handbook & Planning for Implementation

8 PBIS Handbook PBIS summary & rationale School Rules & Posters Expectations Grid Lesson plans Schedule for teaching expectations Acknowledgment system Consequence System Office referral system (major/minor forms & procedural flowchart) Classroom v. Office Managed Behavior Suggested Interventions

9 Preparing for Implementation Be Ready for PBIS Kick-Off (First 2 weeks) Rules Posters, Acknowled gment tickets, handbook Have “PBIS Kick Off” schedule ready to go Might need to Schedule a Summer meeting to finalize plans for the Kick-off

10 Kick-off Assembly Make it FUN & memorable for students & staff – Introducing School rules & Programs – Should be more than 1 day/ 1 assembly, make part of every day for the first 2-3 weeks – Use the talents of people in school

11 Teaching Schedule Teaching & Re-Teaching

12 Develop a Schedule for Teaching Expectations Teach expectations & routines across settings Particularly recess & cafeteria




16 SW-PBIS Kick-Off Schedule





21 Advanced Teaching Re-teach areas of concern How will new students who move to your school be taught the lessons? How will new staff or substitute teachers be introduced to rules and expectations?

22 Training Staff for Implementation Plan Ahead Schedule time during Pre-service week to train staff on PBIS implementation Teach a Behavioral Lesson to staff, so they can understand what it will look like Make the lesson fun and engage staff (still working on buy-in & creating a buzz) Model lesson as if you’re teaching it to students OR teach Safe/Responsible & Respectful in staff lunchroom Also use the lesson to help them understand what student lessons will look like

23 Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet What are your remaining tasks? How will you complete them? By when? What will your PBIS handbook look like? How will you train your staff? What will your PBIS kickoff and teaching schedule look like? Develop a timeline for completing remaining task Plan for organizing & developing PBIS Handbook Develop schedule for PBIS Kick- Off & Back to School calendar Develop plan for preparing & training staff for PBIS Roll-out and implementation Staff PBIS training in August Demonstrate teaching lessons to staff WS#2 PBIS Tier 1 Action Plan WS#3 PBIS Handbook Model HO#1 Wisdom Seekers ES Handbook HO#2 McNair MS Handbook HO#3 HS Handbook WS#4 Teaching Schedule

24 Involving Parents PBIS in the Home

25 Brainstorm for Parent Involvement & Introduction to PBIS Send home information Integrate PBIS into “Back to School” night PBIS in Parent/student handbook (see example) Teach parents a PBIS lesson & hand out tickets for good behavior, hold a drawing

26 Applying the Logic to Families 80-90% 5-10% 1-5% Tier 1: Universal Interventions  Self Assessments: Family Engagement Checklist, Surveys  Skill Building Series Guest Speaker (Topics Vary- Survey Families)  Newsletter, Resource Library, “Shout Outs”- Mickey Mouse PB  Volunteer Opportunities (DOGS- Dads of Great Students)  Teacher Conferences- Goal Setting, Family Vision, Strengths Discovery  Family Fun Nights throughout the year  School Handbook (Description, Teaching Matrix – promote common language between school and home) Tier 2: Targeted Group Interventions  Support Groups (Military Families, Newcomer Group)  Skill Building Sessions (Academic and Behavior) Tier 3: Intensive, Individual Interventions  Family Liaison-matched with family, needs matched with community resources  Individual Skill Building Sessions-

27 Lake Ridge Elementary School Interventions for Parents 80-90% 5-10% 1-5% Tier 1 Universal Interventions  STEP Classes (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting)  Guest Speaker (Helping Kids with Anger: Childhood Anxiety) Tier 1 Universal Interventions  Family Nights for Math and Reading  Parent Pride Book Club (Helping Your Child with Homework) Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions  PEP Class (ESOL) - Parents As Educational Partners Tier 2 Targeted Group Interventions  Support Group (Military Families) Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions  Child Study Meetings  Provide Resources for Parents Tier 3 Intensive, Individual Interventions  Child Study Meeting (FBA & BIP)  Guidance Library Academic Systems Behavioral Systems

28 Applying the logic of PBIS Family Buzz Passport Combine family activities with school activities Reward: Kids spend time with parents – parents involved with school – Family enjoys a pizza!



31 Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet How would you like to reach out to families to involve them in your PBIS efforts? Are there existing efforts/events that you could coordinate with to provide outreach to families re: PBIS? Rethink opportunities for involving parents & families in SW-PBIS implementation efforts from the beginning of the school year HO#4 Student Parent Handbook HO#5 Family Involvement Examples HO#6 Family Involvement Strategies HO#8 Ten PBIS Tips for Parenting with Families

32 Developing a PBIS Action Plan

33 PBIS Assessments Using your PBIS assessments to develop a PBIS Action Plan  TIC  SAS  Other assessments

34 Team Implementation Checklist Subscale

35 Staff Self Assessment Subscale

36 Staff Self- Assessment Survey x Item

37 Non-example Action Plan Strategies Purchase & distribute classroom management curriculum/book Discuss at faculty meeting Bring in CM expert for next month’s ½ day in-service Observe in effective classroom Observe & give feedback Example Action Plan Strategies Build a school-wide System Use school-wide leadership team that meets regularly Use data to justify Adopt evidence based practice Teach/practice to fluency/automaticity Ensure accurate implementation 1 st time Regular review & active practice Monitor implementation continuously Acknowledge improvements What is likelihood of change in teacher practice? (Sugai, 2006)

38 Team Activity QuestionTeam TaskWorksheet What are the results of your TIC? What are the results of the SAS? What will you do to address the results? Review your TIC Data Review your SAS Data Develop an Action Plan Open up your School Account on WS#5 TIC3.1 Action Plan

39 School Wide PBIS Task Review 1.Team Process  PBIS Meetings  Link w/ Staff – buy-in 2.Developing School Rules 3.Defining & Teaching  expectations across settings  routines across settings 4.Acknowledgment system 5.Responding to Misbehavior  Decision Making using Office Discipline Referrals (SWIS) 6.Handbook 7.Plans for Fall PBS Kick Off – 1 st week of school  Training Staff on SW PBIS

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