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New Coordinator’s Strategy Session Presented by Jesse Fry.

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Presentation on theme: "New Coordinator’s Strategy Session Presented by Jesse Fry."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Coordinator’s Strategy Session Presented by Jesse Fry

2 PAFPC Conference March/April Release of preliminary allocations for upcoming school year SESSION: Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)

3 Consolidated Application May/June Consolidated Application due on July 1. Includes Title I, Title IIA, and tentatively Title III. SESSION(logistical): Overview of Federal Programs (Maria Garcia-Morales)

4 Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Administration of Federal Programs (Don McCrone, Susan McCrone, Jesse Fry, Technicians)

5 Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (fiscal): (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement versus Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, Comparability (Don McCrone, Erin Oberdorf)

6 Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (programmatic): Where to Find Answers Needed in Administering Federal Programs (Cindy Rhoads) (Advanced) Title I and RTII: Coordination and Effective Implementation (Susan McCrone)

7 Consolidated Application (cont.) SESSIONS (programmatic) (Advanced) Title III Program Implementation (Karl Streckewald) (Advanced) Title IIA: Improving Teacher Quality (Don McCrone)

8 School Improvement Implementation July/August NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Be cognizant of: PSSA scores (particularly if building is in “warning “ status from previous year),structure of your LEA, and building status from previous year.

9 School Improvement Implementation SESSION (Reservation of Funds): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians)

10 School Improvement Implementation SESSIONS(programmatic): Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull) Implementing Effective SES Programs (Karl Streckewald) Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)

11 Supplement versus Supplant Integral to understanding Title I both programmatically and fiscally September-November SESSION: (Advanced) Title I Fiscal Issues: Supplement/Supplant, Maintenance of Effort, and Comparability (Don McCrone and Erin Oberdorf)

12 Amendment process January-March Adjustments based upon final USDE allocations and charter school enrollments SESSIONS (fiscal): Fiscal Management of Federal Programs (Technicians) Title I Allocations: Understanding my Award (Kelly Gallatin)

13 Additional School Improvement Funds January-March NOTE: School Improvement provisions are not pertinent to many LEAs. Fund distribution correlates to AYP status SESSION (programmatic) Surviving Title I School Improvement (Norma Hull)

14 Year-round activities REQUIRED – Monitoring of administered federal programs via on-site visitation. SESSION: Consolidated Program Monitoring (Susan McCrone and Kelly Iorfida)

15 Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Parent Involvement in Title I is mandated. Non-compliance with this component of NCLB is the most common monitoring finding. SESSION: Title I Parent Involvement Legislation & Policies (Susan McCrone)

16 Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Nonpublic School Involvement. NOTE: Nonpublic involvement does not pertain to all LEAs on an annual basis. Demographics and nonpublic participation are potential limiting factors. SESSION: Nonpublic School Services Workshop (Karl Streckewald)

17 Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – 21 st Century Community Learning Centers After school tutoring and enrichment. NOTE: currently being integrated into DFP SESSION: 21 st Century Community Learning Centers (Cindy Rhoads)

18 Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Pennsylvania Comprehensive Literacy Plan SESSION: Comprehensive Literacy Plan Overview (JoBeth McKee)

19 Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED – Single Audit Process. SESSION: Single Audits: Increased Transparency & Accountability (Krista Showers, CPA)

20 Year-round activities (cont.) REQUIRED* - LEA coordination with Neglected and Delinquent Institutions NOTE: This is only required pending the grantee administration of the external N & D entity. SESSION: (Advanced) Keeping Up to Date with Your Title I N & D Programs (Don McCrone)

21 Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL – School wide programs, moving beyond targeted programs. NOTE: Building free and reduced lunch count must be 30%+ of the student population SESSION: (Advanced) Schoolwide Programs: Components and Requirements (Maria Garcia- Morales)

22 Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL – Strategies for LEAs to enhance parent involvement. SESSIONS: Creating Real Family Engagement (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone) Beyond the Bake Sale (PIE Consultants & Susan McCrone)

23 Year-round activities (cont.) OPTIONAL/COMPETITIVE – Preparation for competitive grant applications. SESSION: (Advanced) Effective Grant Writing Workshops (Cindy Rhoads)

24 General SESSION: Title I Management Strategies that Work! (Norma Hull) SESSION: Comprehensive Planning (Norma Hull and Jeff Byrum)

25 Contacts DIVISION ADMINISTRATION Renee Palakovic ( Erin Oberdorf ( Kelly Gallatin (

26 Contacts (cont.) REGIONAL COORDINATORS Susan McCrone ( Norma Hull ( Virginia Baker ( Donald McCrone ( JoBeth McKee (

27 Contacts (cont.) REGIONAL COORDINATORS (continued) Cindy Rhoads ( Jesse Fry ( Maria Garcia-Morales ( Karl Streckewald (

28 Contacts (cont.) TECHNICIANS Barbara Kuhn ( Erin Oberdorf ( Kelly Iorfida ( Yvonne Cobb ( Tracy Rapisarda ( Daniella Care (

29 Contacts (cont.) SUPPORT STAFF Karen Trissler ( Lennette Wilson ( Deborah Lau ( Katie Hodge ( Reba Kansiewicz (

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