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PRO-SKILLS Support of basic skills in socially disadvantaged adults as a basis for Lifelong Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "PRO-SKILLS Support of basic skills in socially disadvantaged adults as a basis for Lifelong Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRO-SKILLS Support of basic skills in socially disadvantaged adults as a basis for Lifelong Learning

2 Background: WHY “Pro-Skills”?

3 Background The European Community is to “[…] become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustained economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.” Lifelong learning is seen as one of the fundamental strategies for achieving this goal,”[…] central not only to competitiveness and employability but also to social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.“ (European Council 2000)

4 Background Increasing number of people from a difficult social background without training or with difficulty to find a job in first profession Adult education intends to provide further education and improvement of qualifications for this target group BUT… LLL offerings predominantly taken up by individuals who already have a certain amount of training socially disadvantaged person seldom represented among trainees

5 Background A lack of personal, social and self-management skills can be barrier: Professional skills Key skills Basic skills (Self-manangement skills, personal & social skills) specific job or task technical basis for job or further education general basis for learning at all

6 Background personal skills personal skills social skills social skills self-management skills self-management skills self- efficacy motivation & volition Lifelong Learning Lifelong Learning

7 Background These skills rarely part of adult education curricula, few offers.  Pro-Skills fills this gap by giving adults the opportunity to practise basic skills within a protected environment Health- promotion Reduction of social unequality Lifelong Learning

8 Innovative concept

9 Background Focus on resources & empowerment Which skills and competences does the individual already have and how can they be invested in an innovative way? Which resources can bemobilised (also social resources!)?  Empowerment by strengthening of self-efficacy

10 Background Safe environment Where do adults get the opportunity to train new behaviour without risk in a safe environment?  High demand to the trainer concerning group atmosphere & trust handling of feedback

11 Background Active & experience-based training approach Children try out behaviour hands-on in role-playing – where get adults the chance to try out new behaviour?  Active training approach: self-regulated learning experienced-based learning cooperative learning productive learning

12 Realising a European project

13 Structure of project Project 1: Elaboration of training concept for final target group of socially unprivileged persons October 2006 - September 2008 (24 months) Project 2: Elaboration of train-the-trainer concept December 2010 – May 2013

14 Structure of the project 1.Elaboration of the train-the-trainer concept:

15 Structure of the project 2)Pilot trainings on national level & exchange on European level:

16 Material in internet Background philosophy Manual of basic training concept Train-the-trainer concept “Toolbox” Sensitisation brochure

17 Pro-Skills Partners Nine partners from eight European countries: Irti Huumeista Ry Helsinki (Finland) Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung, Landau (Germany) Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) Milano (Italy) Centre de Prévention des Toxicomanies (Luxembourg) Hochschule Fulda, University of Applied Science (Germany) Megyei Egészség Kultúrát Koordináló Alapítvány (MEKKA), Nyiregyháza (Hungary) Protasi – Movement for another lifestyle, Patra (Greece) Institute for Research and Development “Utrip”, Grosuplje (Slovenia) Fédération Swisse pour la Formation Continue (FSEA) Nyon (Switzerland)

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