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The German Job Roulette Index The German Job Roulette- What is it? Historical backgrund Facts and consequences Ways to get out Current news Sources Surprise.

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Presentation on theme: "The German Job Roulette Index The German Job Roulette- What is it? Historical backgrund Facts and consequences Ways to get out Current news Sources Surprise."— Presentation transcript:


2 The German Job Roulette

3 Index The German Job Roulette- What is it? Historical backgrund Facts and consequences Ways to get out Current news Sources Surprise : )‏

4 What is it? Globalization has split the German workforce No security for jobs Imbalances between winners and losers in Globaliziation -> Germans losers, Eastern Europeans winners

5 Historical Background Globaliziation power served Germany: - German goods were global leaders -German workers most qualified, highest wages, safe jobs, best social benefits  Model economy

6 Mid- 90's: 1,3 Mio. workers fired in construction sector --> upcoming service and export industry wasn't used by unemployed 2004: workers from the East pushed into Germany ( subsidized by Brussels)‏  Record of unemployment

7 Facts and consequences Lost jobs in agriculture and coal mining by replacement from cheap workers Increase of economy, per capita income, investments, etc. Companies relocate jobs in the East  Finding work in the automotive industy or chemical engineering (germanys growth sectors)‏  Hundrets lost jobs or had to wait long for their wages  Germany biggest investor in the East

8 highly motivated, disciplined, unbeatably cheap workers ( e.g. Seasonal Workers)‏ highly motivated, disciplined, unbeatably cheap workers ( e.g. Seasonal Workers)‏ Still employed earn less, work more Still employed earn less, work more High qualified workers difficult to replace High qualified workers difficult to replace  Germans victims of globalization (too expensive), can't compete with foreigners  Acception to save jobs  Winners of globalization

9 Seasonal workers Thierman has asparagus plantage in Kirchdorf (900 soccer fields) -> main supplier for Aldi + Edeka Polish are needed: more motivated as Germans more workforce by training Is obliged to take a part of the team from labor office Direct competition with Greeks-> Turks Spaniards->North Africans Zurück

10 Ways to get out Intervention by the state against capitalism, job migration Introduction of minimum wages in East Minimum Wage e.g. artificcially raised wages --> companies would flee, free to locate were they want Everybody earns from low prices Germans could compete again Problem with Hartz VI receivers

11 Rules for companies No more 1€-jobs, lowwage jobs (1/5 of emploees) -> raise of unemployment Loss of jobs - test of min. wage in costruction industry led to 650.000 unemployed Illegal employment No banning for exploitation Employees: No one can stop people to get money for a better living standart

12 Current news Economy grows again (2,4% per year)‏ People want German quality back Less unemployed (8,7%)‏

13 Sources ands ands,1020,498041,00.gif g g Spiegel Special, International edition No. 7 / 2005 „Globalization“

14 Thanks for your attention and Merry X-Mas : )‏

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