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Exposition of Philippians

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1 Exposition of Philippians
Co-workers whom Paul is Sending Phil 2:19-30

2 Outline of Philippians
Paul's Exhortation to the Philippians to Walk Worthy of the Gospel (1:27 – 4:1) The Need to Contend as One (1:27-30) The Call to Unity (2:1-30) Paul's Exhortation for Unity (2:1-4) The Example of Jesus Christ (2:5-11) Paul’s Exhortation to Harmony (2:12-18) Co-workers Whom Paul is Sending (2:19-30) Paul’s exhortation to harmony can be organized around 3 commands: Work out your salvation (vv ), Do all things without grumbling or disputing (vv ), and Rejoice (vv ).

3 Co-workers Whom Paul is Sending: Timothy (2:19-23)
Paul’s hope “in the Lord” is to send Timothy to them soon: to encourage the Philippians to encourage Paul when he hears of their condition Timothy was the one man with Paul in Rome in whom Paul had complete confidence to send to the Philippians in his place (2:20). But he needs to Timothy in Rome to stay until he finds out how his own situation will turn out (2:23).

4 Co-workers Whom Paul is Sending: Paul (2:24)
Despite Paul’s complete confidence in Timothy, he wants the Philippians to know that he too hopes to visit them soon. He is trusting that the Lord will indeed bring this about. This is another clear expression of his affection for this particular group of believers.

5 Co-workers Whom Paul is Sending: Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
Since neither Paul nor Timothy can come immediately, Paul determines that Epaphroditus must return to the folks who sent him. His name means “lovely” and is derived from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Paul commends Epaphroditus as: a brother – in the faith a fellow worker – in the gospel a fellow soldier – in the fight against adversaries

6 Co-workers Whom Paul is Sending: Epaphroditus (2:25-30)
A biographical sketch of Epaphroditus: a spiritual leader at the church in Philippi commissioned by that church to bring an offering to Paul and serve him in his imprisonment while serving Paul he became seriously ill, which became known back in Philippi God granted mercy to him and restored his health, sparing Paul additional sorrow. Epaphroditus yearned to return to his home church; Paul agreed, sending him back with this letter and thus encouraging the Philippians and lessening Paul’s own concern about them. To ensure that the Philippians do not think that Epaphroditus has failed in his mission, Paul commands them to hold men like him in high regard, as he risked his own life to minister to Paul on behalf of the Philippians. “What was lacking in your service” means what the Philippians could not do in person; has connotations of priestly service (4:18). They sent Epaphroditus to minister to Paul on their behalf. Interesting that Paul did not heal Epaphroditus; such power functioned only within God’s purpose.

7 Implications from our Study
Epaphroditus is the fourth example in this section, after: Jesus (vv. 5-8) Paul (v. 17) Timothy (vv ) of one who acted selflessly and put the needs of others above his own...the major emphasis here. Gospel ministry is a shared work, with God using laborers possessing different gifts and abilities for different areas and tasks.

8 Paul first met Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth; later they accompanied him to Ephesus, where they instructed Apollos, who was eventually sent to Achaia. Epaphroditus Phil 2:25-30 Philippi

9 The Warning: Beware of Evil Workers (3:1-3)
Next Time: Paul's Exhortation to the Philippians to Walk Worthy of the Gospel (1:27 – 4:1) The Warning: Beware of Evil Workers (3:1-3)

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