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There IS Money Out There. Viken Mikaelian, CEO PlannedGiving.Com.

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Presentation on theme: "There IS Money Out There. Viken Mikaelian, CEO PlannedGiving.Com."— Presentation transcript:

1 There IS Money Out There. Viken Mikaelian, CEO PlannedGiving.Com

2 1 If you’re not asking your prospects for planned gifts … someone else is.

3 Eventually that “someone else” will steal your ca $ h gifts, too. 2

4 5% of this nation’s wealth is in hard-to-get cash. 95% is in easy-to-get assets. 3

5 4 Those who even dabble in planned giving eventually earn 50% to 100% more than those who don’t.

6 A typical planned gift is 200 to 300 times the size of a donor’s largest annual gift. 5

7 Planned gifts do not affect prospects’ cash flow. They’re easy to give (and to receive). 6

8 Prospects are eager to make a planned gift, but simply don’t know how. 7

9 Prospects making gifts through their wills typically increase their annual support. Why? 8

10 Anyone can make a planned gift. And it’s easy. 9

11 Planned Giving is a people business. If you love people, you’ll raise more money than you’ve ever imagined. 10

12 1 Where Is The Money?

13 Common Sense Planned Giving: Focus on gifts anyone can make.

14 Bequests Appreciated Stuff Life Insurance IRAs

15 What is special about these gifts? Do not affect cash flow Easy to give and receive Do not require a lawyer

16 2 How Do You Get The Money?

17 Much has changed over the last 30 years: The way we market The way we buy The patience of the prospect and

18 Stop telling the prospect we can’t wait for him to die. Benefits vs. Features

19 Micro-Target Number one predictor: Loyalty.

20 Donor to VP: Is the Foundation on the ground floor or basement? “ ”

21 You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.

22 Did you know you can make a gift and receive guaranteed income for life?

23 Do you have your own elevator pitch?

24 If I can show you a way to redirect your taxes to benefit your family, your community and our mission, will you give me a half an hour to discuss that with you? “ ” Jack Miller Pittsburgh, PA

25 Solicitation letters.

26 Estate Planning Education

27 Columns and Articles

28 Public Relations Donor stories motivate others to give and generate second time gifts.

29 3 Some Challenges to Overcome.

30 Vanilla Marketing. Make Them Complain.

31 Shiny Objects of the Year Social Media E-Marketing Latest Research and Discovery

32 US mail, not e-blasts, is still king in getting responses.



35 Treating Planned Giving as if It’s Fundraising.

36 Bequest, Bestow, Bequeeeth? (Don’t Make Your Prospect Think)

37 Single Shot or “Binge” Marketing If you are going to mail once and stop, stop before you mail the one mailing.

38 Sending Out Death Brochures.

39 Using one medium to market to your prospects.

40 “We need the funds now to maintain our property today.”

41 Your donor hears: “Give us some bucks now to take us out of our misery.”

42 “We’re working on supporting our future, so we can continue doing what we do today, even better, tomorrow.”

43 4 Idea Center!

44 Know Your Prospect. (serious)















59 4 The End is Near 1288 Valley Forge Road, Building #82 | Valley Forge, Pennsylvania 19460 | 800-490-7090

60 “We’re waiting to develop a formal program in order to proceed.”


62 Treat your donors as friends and your prospects as donors.

63 No one Googles Unitrusts First Thing in the Morning. Use common sense marketing… it’s all about relationship and sales.

64 Planned gifts can get complicated. Marketing them shouldn’t be. Resources:

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