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Images for Devotion to Mary Our Mother. In October, Month of the Holy Rosary, we meet together to pray. These words and images help us to think about.

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Presentation on theme: "Images for Devotion to Mary Our Mother. In October, Month of the Holy Rosary, we meet together to pray. These words and images help us to think about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Images for Devotion to Mary Our Mother

2 In October, Month of the Holy Rosary, we meet together to pray. These words and images help us to think about the life of Our Lady to whom we are devoted,and to focus on the words we say during Rosary prayer.


4 You have poured forth your grace, O Lord into our hearts By the message of an angel we have heard the good news of the coming of Jesus

5 Our Father in Heaven, Your love is like a free gift, a grace. You loved Mary, and so we say she is full of Your grace. You love us too, and fill us with Your grace.

6 Our Father in Heaven, close to us always, never more close than in Jesus, we thank You for his mother Mary, in whom You have come to live among us.

7 Blessed Art Thou Among Women Our Father in heaven, we thank You for all the women who have shown people how to stay close to You. We thank You above all for Mary the mother of Jesus, In whom we are closest of all to You.

8 And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus Our Father in Heaven, Your Son comes to us as food for our spirit, Not from the sky but from the fruitful Earth. We bless You for the Earth which can produce fruit, And we praise You for the nourishing love of Jesus.

9 Holy Mary, Our Father in Heaven, We thank You for Mary the Mother of Jesus. Through Him we have come to know Exactly what You are like. Our Saviour was born of Mary, our path back to You. Mary, You are holy indeed.

10 Mother of God No-one can be truly your Mother, O Lord. You are endless and eternal. But you made yourself human in Jesus And we have come to know You more because of this. More than any Mother, Mary loved and suffered And for this we praise and thank Mary, Heavenly Mother to us all.

11 Pray for us Sinner s Our Father in heaven, We come to You with all our sins. With Mary at our side, We ask You to accept us as You accepted her.

12 Now, and at the hour of our death Father in heaven, We long for the day when we will be with you. Our death is not something to fear. Led by the kind and loving hand of Mary, we hope to look upon your majesty in Heaven.


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