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Life Insurance Benefits Need Not Be Paid For Death of Drunk Driver By: Xavier Mulligan.

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1 Life Insurance Benefits Need Not Be Paid For Death of Drunk Driver By: Xavier Mulligan

2 Summary Stamp attended a dinner with some employees. At the dinner stamp had some drinks. He planned to go visit some relatives after the dinner. On his way to go see his relatives he stopped at a bar and had more drinks. He then drove off the road and died. His blood alcohol level was 0.265%. The cause of the accident was stamp being drunk. MetLife, denied payment of Stamp’s Accidental Death and Dismemberment life insurance policy to his wife because he was drunk. Stamp’s wife sued. The district court held for MetLife She then appealed.

3 Decision The determination of plan benefits are upheld unless the administrator’s decision is arbitrary, capricious, or an abuse of discretion. That wasn’t the case in this situation. A reasonable person would have viewed death or serious injury as a likely outcome of driving with high blood alcohol content. The level stamp was at, all mental, physical and sensory functions were impaired, so the death is not the result of an accident.

4 Key Words Life insurance- insurance that pays out a sum of money either on the death of the insured person or after a set period. Benefits- an advantage or profit gained from something Drunk driving- the crime of driving a vehicle with an excess of alcohol in the blood




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