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Sustainable Design Group 4 Becca Bogdan Ines Aline Ilektra Kiriakos.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Design Group 4 Becca Bogdan Ines Aline Ilektra Kiriakos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Design Group 4 Becca Bogdan Ines Aline Ilektra Kiriakos

2 Problem Description  Area: Watergraafsmeer  WATERgraafsmeer project: 3 Tables  The Design Table  Improving research by design workshops  Specific problem: Storm-water management  technical solutions  policy solutions  methods to assure stakeholders’ support

3 Research Question Which water sensitive urban design solutions for storm-water management can be incorporated into WATERgraafasmeer’s projects using the research by design methodology?

4 Becca Ines Bogdan Aline Electra Kiriakos Theoretically and practically supported recommendations about how the workshops should be conducted, who should be invited, and how they can be evaluated Recommendations of policies aimed at mitigating the issue and encouraging private sector involvement Conceptualizing a strategy to generate a positive and proactive attitude among stakeholders A list of methods which can be used in Watergraafsmeer urban area to upgrade the quality of stormwater, of biodiversity and environment as a whole Increased knowledge and stakeholders support about Innovative storm water management solutions Methodologica l approaches for conducting integrated planning Insights about how to align community, media, developers, and policy makers for introducing stormwater management techniques Insights about existing stormwater techniques and suggestions for making them more sustainable Student Individual result Group Result Ultimate result Investigation of the additional energy savings & benefits coming from the green roofs in comparison with the conventional ones Seek collaboration with suggested forefront research institutes Develop a plan for sustainable space (either individual or district) heating combined with rainwater harvesting comprising ground source heat pumps, permeable paving and underground rainwater storage

5 Individual design Research /Action (R/A) Becca TimmsR/A 1 Literature review of research by design and integrated planning in an urban planning context R/A 2 Literature review on workshops, stakeholder selection, and evaluation Bogdan OchianaR/A1 Policies and policy instruments used worldwide to tackle storm-water issues. R/A2 How to involve the private sector and delegate to them part of the responsibility for water infrastructure, and other water-related projects. Ines del Real R/A1 Stakeholder study (stakeholder analysis and public survey) R/A 2 Conceptualizing awareness strategy “living water, water for living”, which includes:Demonstrative project Modeling as assessment tool Bi-annual water week festival Water Sensitive Design Conference Permanent info-pavillon Itinerant exhibition Innovation pioneers Bi-annual design award for architects and urban planers Social networks

6 Becca: Understanding and using Research by Design  Increased stakeholder support of potential storm-water management policies  Results from incorporation of shared knowledge via Research by Design workshops  Effective workshop design is based off of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge

7 Bogdan: A Policy Perspective  International literature review of information on how to tackle storm-water issues from both a technical and policy-standpoint  Description of local policies best practices in similar areas pertaining to the storm- water management  Proposal to consider the introduction of private partnerships in managing some of the related issues and the conducting of a CBA for these purposes

8 Ines: Awareness of water sensitive urban design  Insights about stakeholders’ knowledge and attitudes toward needed changes  Increasing the transfer/sharing of knowledge  Letting people convince themselves about the benefits of the demonstrated technologies

9 Individual design Research /Action (R/A) AlineR/A1: Search in literature for methods to upgrade storm-water quality R/A2: Search in literature for methods to use the 10% water storage area in order to upgrade environmental quality of the urban area R/A3: Search in literature for methods to use the 10% water storage area in order to enhance biodiversity in the urban area ElektraR/A1:What?: Give focus and further examine the technology of Ground Source Heat Pumps and their potential to make use of rainwater stored in underground reservoirs R/A 2: What?: Develop studies about permeable pavements &ground source heat pumps for space heating R/A 3: What? Research further the technical elements of underground thermal energy storage tanks and underground rainwater cisterns R/ A 4:What?: Examine the suitability of the site for the construction of a district PV park in combination with underground water thermal storage R/A 5 : What? : Examine the alternative of research action 2, namely installing solar panels in every dwelling in combination with common underground thermal storage water tank KiriakosR/A:Investigate the energy savings coming from the evaporating cooling effect of the green roofs and the benefits of this project in comparison with the conventional ones

10 Aline: Upgrading environmental quality and biodiversity  A detailed lists of methods descriptions that can be used in Watergraafsmeer urban area to:  Upgrade the quality of storm-water  Improve environmental quality  Enhance biodiversity

11 Ilektra: Storm-water management and energy recycling Suggested Actions  1. Give focus on Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs)- Tested potential to be combined with underground rainwater reservoirs  2. Study permeable paving with incorporated GSHPs – Good evidences at experimental level  3. Collaborate with suggested institutes and develop innovative research on the field of energy & rainwater recycle Ultimate result  An integrated plan for sustainable (district or individual) space heating comprising permeable pavements, underground rainwater storage & GSHPs

12 Kiriakos: Technical Matters  Green roofs reduce - through isolation - the energy use needed for heating and cooling the building  The energy savings are higher for non isolated houses and less for the insulated ones.  The bigger the area of construction, the better the results and the higher the costs.  Additional benefits comes out from the retention of water

13 Limitations  Timing  Of the actual workshops  With the professionals involved in the project  Of receiving information about previous workshops  Of meetings about planning the upcoming workshops  Of some technologies developed only on experimental level  Information  Mostly in Dutch (existing policies, DRO material)

14 Potential Improvements Longer time frame (10 weeks is does not fit with real- world project developments) More focused subjects (our client really didn’t know what they wanted) More coherence between the assignment part of the project and the needs of the actual case More pre-scheduled meetings with coordinators (or other ways to ensure face-time) Basics about the case itself (Terms of Reference alike) should be prepared in advance

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