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Steven Tarantulas in the Rainforest. Introduction The tropical rain forest in the word are helpful. There are four layer in the rain forest. Rain forests.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven Tarantulas in the Rainforest. Introduction The tropical rain forest in the word are helpful. There are four layer in the rain forest. Rain forests."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven Tarantulas in the Rainforest

2 Introduction The tropical rain forest in the word are helpful. There are four layer in the rain forest. Rain forests are located in southern Asia, South America, Africa, Central America, and the Pacific islands. There are close to the equator. Its hot there. There are a lot of rain plants and animals in the rain forest

3 Forest floor and understory Forest floor and the under story are two l owest layers they are wet and dark. Larger animals live on the forest floor. It has a lot of plants. The under story is the second layer some flying animals a little more light.

4 Canopy and emergent layer Canopy is the third layer it has a lot of sun shine. The emergent layer has the tallest trees.

5 What supplies we get In the rain forest we get wood, coconut, medicine, cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla, rubber, coffee. We can also get pineapple,gum, orange, artichoke, lemons, and bananas.

6 Appearance The tarantulas are a spider and has big round bodies and fangs. They also have a group of tiny eyes. They have eight legs and two body parts. They have a lot of hair on their bodies.

7 Habitat The tarantula lives in the canopy layer in the rainforest. They live in South America. They live on the canopy layer the rain forest. The tarantulas live and eat in the canopy layer.

8 Diet They eat insects. They eat insects in the rainforest like worms,birds and ants.

9 That to need to servie Tarantulas wait for its prey and poison it and eat it. Its pretty awesome cause when you see it poison its prey and eats it.

10 Adaptations They have sharp hairs on their legs and sharp fangs.

11 Interesting facts The goliath bird eater eats birds. Weird but true cause it is its prey and finds it that’s its dinner for the day it pretty cool and its all true !

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