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Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor Session 6 - Enhancing National GEF Coordination, Communication and Outreach Developing the National Capacity.

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1 Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor Session 6 - Enhancing National GEF Coordination, Communication and Outreach Developing the National Capacity for the Design and Implementation of GEF Co- Financed Projects Romanian Experience 7-9 March 2007, Istanbul, Turkey

2 Ministerul Mediului si Gospodaririi Apelor The Romanian Government faces a number of challenges in the environment sector such as air pollution control (air quality management), sustainable management of country’s natural resources, water resources and quality management, biodiversity conservation, and the prevention of soil degradation The Romanian Government faces a number of challenges in the environment sector such as air pollution control (air quality management), sustainable management of country’s natural resources, water resources and quality management, biodiversity conservation, and the prevention of soil degradation The MEWM has benefited from important international assistance from the EU, bilateral donors, and in the last 10 years from the Global Environment Facility – GEF. The MEWM has benefited from important international assistance from the EU, bilateral donors, and in the last 10 years from the Global Environment Facility – GEF. In the last decade, the Government of Romania has worked in close partnership with several GEF Implementing & Executing Agencies – World Bank, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO, UNEP for the implementation of GEF projects. In the last decade, the Government of Romania has worked in close partnership with several GEF Implementing & Executing Agencies – World Bank, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO, UNEP for the implementation of GEF projects. Since July 1994, Romania has developed and implemented a number of important projects in biodiversity, climate change, international waters and POPs, with a total budget of over $30 million. Since July 1994, Romania has developed and implemented a number of important projects in biodiversity, climate change, international waters and POPs, with a total budget of over $30 million. Addressing the Challenges: Romania’s Experience

3 The Work of the Romanian GEF Operational Unit To enhance coordination, MEWM established a small/integrated GEF Operational Unit, comprised of the GEF Political and Operational Focal Points and one support staff. To enhance coordination, MEWM established a small/integrated GEF Operational Unit, comprised of the GEF Political and Operational Focal Points and one support staff. National level coordination is the primary responsibility of Romanian GEF Operational Focal Point. National level coordination is the primary responsibility of Romanian GEF Operational Focal Point. Under the umbrella of GEF’s Country Support Programme (CSP), the MEWM started the creation a GEF centralized data base, to consolidate the existing strategies and programmes, to enhance communication, and to raise awareness with regard to the GEF and GEF funded projects in the country. Under the umbrella of GEF’s Country Support Programme (CSP), the MEWM started the creation a GEF centralized data base, to consolidate the existing strategies and programmes, to enhance communication, and to raise awareness with regard to the GEF and GEF funded projects in the country. The integrated GEF unit is involved in collecting information, project lists, project reports etc. from the various implementing agencies, in order to build the necessary institutional memory with regard to the GEF implemented projects in the country The integrated GEF unit is involved in collecting information, project lists, project reports etc. from the various implementing agencies, in order to build the necessary institutional memory with regard to the GEF implemented projects in the country In order to increase transparency and accountability among the various stakeholders involved in project implementation, a dedicated web link will be created on the official site of the MEWM. In order to increase transparency and accountability among the various stakeholders involved in project implementation, a dedicated web link will be created on the official site of the MEWM.

4 GEF National Consultative Meeting MEWM, 21 August 2006 A National Consultative Meeting was organized by the GEF Political and Operational Focal Points at the Ministry. The meeting aimed to inform all involved parties on the new RAF policies, as well as to consult with them on GEF strategies and available programmes. Main Objectives: - Raising awareness about GEF’s strategic directions, policies and procedures - Presenting and discussing the RAF allocation for Romania - Developing the GEF portfolio and identifying prioritiesfor astrong GEF pipeline - Developing the GEF portfolio and identifying priorities for a strong GEF pipeline Main results: - The new GEF project portfolio responds to needs identified through this event - GEF policies are integrated into national planning frameworks and programmes

5 “The Global Environment Facility – Resources for Environment and Communities” Bucharest, 23 November 2006 A GEF Awareness Raising event was organized by the Ministry/GEF Focal Points in collaboration with the GEF Small Grants Programme. A GEF Awareness Raising event was organized by the Ministry/GEF Focal Points in collaboration with the GEF Small Grants Programme. The Objective was to promote the GEF strategy and the projects in the GEF portfolio in Romania. The Objective was to promote the GEF strategy and the projects in the GEF portfolio in Romania. Results were: An opportunity for dialogue between the Government, International Organizations, business sector and NGO’s, to define ways to efficiently and effectively co-operate to best achieve sustainable development projects An opportunity for dialogue between the Government, International Organizations, business sector and NGO’s, to define ways to efficiently and effectively co-operate to best achieve sustainable development projects A consolidated image of the GEF portfolio with both large-scale as well as Small Grants projects presented to stakeholders and general public. A consolidated image of the GEF portfolio with both large-scale as well as Small Grants projects presented to stakeholders and general public. General awareness raising through a dedicated exhibition and coverage in mass media (TV and radio broadcasts, newspaper articles). General awareness raising through a dedicated exhibition and coverage in mass media (TV and radio broadcasts, newspaper articles).

6 Community Involvement in SGP funded initiatives

7 Achievements All above mentioned activities have helped strengthen the country’s capacity to programme and implement projects funded by GEF and to enhance and support a strategic and coherent Romanian GEF portfolio All above mentioned activities have helped strengthen the country’s capacity to programme and implement projects funded by GEF and to enhance and support a strategic and coherent Romanian GEF portfolio A National consultation strategy exists - with the purpose to introduce various projects, provide dependable feed-back, and to enable direct links between key participants in the decision making process A National consultation strategy exists - with the purpose to introduce various projects, provide dependable feed-back, and to enable direct links between key participants in the decision making process

8 Advantages of an integrated GEF Focal Point Unit By locating the GEF Political and Operational Focal Points within an integrated Unit, there is: Recognition of the interdependence between policies of the GEF and its operations in country Recognition of the interdependence between policies of the GEF and its operations in country Creation of a single point of contact, on all GEF related matters, for internal as well as international institutions Creation of a single point of contact, on all GEF related matters, for internal as well as international institutions Cost effectiveness in GEF efforts in communication, information dissemination and consultation Cost effectiveness in GEF efforts in communication, information dissemination and consultation Better coordination at the country level with focused effort to make the GEF project cycle more efficient Better coordination at the country level with focused effort to make the GEF project cycle more efficient

9 Conclusions Efficient coordination, communication and outreach to the different categories of stakeholders significantly contribute to:  Raising awareness of the local population with regard to the global environmental issues and the GEF role in addressing these issues  Building local capacity to deal with global environmental problems, and contributing to the achievement of global environmental benefits  Establishing effective partnerships between central and local government, private sector, NGOs, local communities to address global environmental issues at local level  Ensuring the country’s GEF projects portfolio is in line with the GEF strategy and national priorities.

10 Thank you! Thank you! Silviu STOICA – GEF OFP, Romania Ministry of Environment and Water Management Ministry of Environment and Water Management General Director General Directorate for Management of Structural Instruments Ministry of Environment and Water Management Tel: +40-21-300.77.77; Fax: +40-21-316.07.78 E-mail address: Web site: General Director General Directorate for Management of Structural Instruments Ministry of Environment and Water Management Tel: +40-21-300.77.77; Fax: +40-21-316.07.78 E-mail address: Web site:

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