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Tertiary Education Management Conference 2006 Energy and water saving strategies J Lavarack & M Buchhorn.

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Presentation on theme: "Tertiary Education Management Conference 2006 Energy and water saving strategies J Lavarack & M Buchhorn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tertiary Education Management Conference 2006 Energy and water saving strategies J Lavarack & M Buchhorn

2 Soft systems and hard hats Communication processes for utilities management Campus Property & Services

3 About us Environmental Strategies, Campus Property & Services

4 Overview I: Resource pressures - NSW II: Utilities management at the University – history – 2005-6: Audits & Savings Action Plans III: Consultation and engagement – Benefits – Our Method – Some outcomes

5 I: Resource Pressures

6 Water and energy challenges for NSW Drought Water restrictions Energy demand Blackout risk

7 ..and implications for the University Large Consumer Energy trending up Sports fields

8 ..and implications for the University State government mandate: Energy & Water Audits Energy & Water Savings Action Plans State government Savings Funds NSW State Government Environment Trust – education grant This project has been assisted by the New South Wales Government through its Environment Trust

9 II: Utilities Management at the University

10 Management activities 1998-current Dedicated manager Utilities Management System Housekeeping Design guidelines Working groups & Discussion Papers

11 Developing Savings Action Plans: 2005-6 Management Review Audit – Level 3 AS/NZS 3598:2000 -baseline data desktop from UIS -15 buildings audited – water -10+ buildings underway - energy Savings Actions Plans - 4 years

12 Water Savings Actions identified for 2007-2010 Leak detection Flow restriction Rainwater harvesting Waste water re-use

13 Summary: Savings Action Planning activities Technical auditing Ongoing Utilities & Facilities Planning ‘Management Reviews’ Communication & Relationships

14 Exploring communication & relationship building: Technical auditing? Communication & relationship building activities ? Utilities & Facilities Planning activities? ‘Management Reviews’

15 Is there more to ‘communication strategies…than ‘awareness raising’? ‘Engineered Awareness’ Source: Les Robinson

16 III: Consultation & Engagement

17 Auditing can deliver quantitative estimates…… ……However ‘qualitative’ questions remain: What issues occupy people’s time within the organisation? How do people at the university influence utilities consumption?

18 Our ‘stance’: Consultation and ‘engagement’ as a cornerstone of Utilities Planning

19 Ignore ‘soft systems’ at your own risk when.. The University is devolved: -Institutional / building knowledge is devolved -Plans need to reflect ‘local settings’ -CP&S relies on local or Faculty based ‘agents’ for facilities management activities

20 Benefits of consultation & ‘engagement’? Involve those who will ‘live with’ planning decisions To co-develop more robust solutions

21 Benefits of consultation & ‘engagement’? In some instances, occupants influence the environmental performance of their building… Eg: air conditioning control panels Design success requires understanding of how people respond to local conditions and equipment

22 Engaging - Benefits ‘good housekeeping’ involves the daily practice of all staff Consult to reveal ‘motivators’ for change amongst ‘target groups’

23 Engaging - Benefits Our ‘engagement method’, applied across 15+ buildings Reduced the number of buildings required for a technical audit on campus

24 PROFILING INTERVIEWS ASSUMPTIONS buildings are the most relevant “management unit” (cf. sub-catchments) presence of building users with relevant (tacit) knowledge/experience an interview can ‘capture’ this knowledge Physics Building and Tennis Courts

25 1. MAKING CONTACT Uni live week Initial contact found through:  Reports from facility managers  Complaints records  Chance information kept and annotated  Other interviewees Open manner  Respectful  Non- threatening  Voluntary  Purposeful SKILLSAPPROACHACTION Managing complex data sets

26 2. SEMI-STRUCTURED INTERVIEW  Agreement for initial interview and note taking  Confidentiality and access to notes  Digress and finish all the questions Reflective  Story telling - history  Inviting interpretation  Receptive to frustration and enthusiasm Bracketing Attentive listening SKILLSAPPROACHACTION

27 3. INTERPRETATION Interviewers  Interviewees  Relevant technicians (eg. HVAC, project managers) Share interpretation and use of data  Share responsibility for data Facilitation Communic- ation tool develop- ment SKILLSAPPROACHACTION

28 4. THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ASKEDRESEARCH CONCERNS 1. What do you do here?Core concerns. Job description. 2. How much of your job is focused on water & energy? %age concern. Capability. History 3. What are the water/energy hotspots here? Risk and compliance issues. Overview of whole buildings/sections/control systems 4. Who helps you with these issues? Networks – official and unofficial. “Missed business” 5. What do you think can be done?Capability/enthusiasm of interviewee. Match with program of works 6. Who else should we talk to?Develop/confirm interview list 7. Anything we missed?Critical reflection

29 ‘Profiling’ – Outcomes in terms of relationships An emerging, ‘self generating’ network of faculty based ‘building managers’ that is: - clarifying issues - identifying their own ‘capacity building needs’ - clarifying the role of Environmental Strategies Team - providing a network of local representatives of a ‘franchised’ approach to communication

30 ‘Profiling’ – Outcomes in relation to Savings Action Plans Understanding of where ‘local capacity’ lies for Water Savings & Energy Savings initiatives A process to develop processes for local implementation

31 ‘Profiling’ – Outcomes in relation to “Green Buildings” Growing understanding of where it’s strategic to undertake communication for environmental outcomes within the project/building cycle: --- design---build---commission----tuneup Capacity for ongoing dialogue with occupants to understand communication needs: from their perspective

32 Tertiary Education Management Conference 2006 Lunch Please reconvene at 2pm on Level 3, Ballroom A/ Ante (adjacent to the Trade Exhibition)

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