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Jefferson Lab Users Group Report
John Arrington (JLab Users Group Chair) Argonne National Laboratory JLab Users Group Meeting, June 3rd, 2014
Users Group, UG Board of Directors (UGBoD)
Represents users to JSA, JLab Management, and outside stakeholders User representative on Director’s Safety Council (Ed Brash) Chair gives user group update at JSA, SURA board meetings Represent JLab Users to NUFO Board meets twice annually with JLab leadership, JSA representatives Follow up on user questions, comments, complaints, suggestions… Organize the Annual User Meeting and two satellite meetings (APS April and DNP Fall meetings) Board Chair makes presentations at JSA, SURA board meetings Manage awards (Thesis Prize, Postdoc Prize, Poster Prize…) User voice in evaluating JSA Initiative Fund requests
Users Group Board of Directors
May 2014 Election: Vice-chair Haiyan Gao At-large members Elton Smith Silvia Niccolai Garth Huber Postdoc Rep. Elena Long Grad Student Rep. Melissa Cummings Nominating committee: D. Day, N. Walford, R. Holt, I. Niculescu, K. Slifer, V. Crede UGM organization: Katherine (Myers) Mesick Lorelei Chopard Steffen Strauch Dipangkar Dutta JA
UGBoD Activities (most supported by JSA-Initiative Fund)
Satellite meeting at the DNP Fall Meeting, Newport News VA (October) Selected the winner of the 2014 postdoc prize [Zhihong Ye] Evaluated submissions for the 2014 thesis prize [Rakitha Beminiwattha] Satellite meeting at the APS April Meeting in Savannah, GA (April) Nuclear Physics Day visits to DC (April) Identify/recommend candidates for DNP Executive Committee (May) TODAY: Board suggests nominating ROLF ENT for at-large member This fall: Consider nominating candidates for GHP, GFB, etc… Annual Users Meeting (June 2-4) During the Meeting: Selected and award Poster Prize winners Science exhibition on Capitol Hill (June 10) (organized by NUFO) Important to have representation on DNP committees: fellowships, program committee, sorters meeting, etc…
JSA Initiatives Fund JSA Initiatives Fund supports several critical User Group activities Two Satellite Meetings per year – April APS and Fall DNP annual meetings. Presentations by UGBoD Chair and Jefferson Lab leadership, Q&A Users Group Annual Meeting (+Poster Competition, Student lunches) Postdoctoral Prize, Thesis Prize 2014 list of funded proposals: UGBoD evaluates user-submitted proposals, passes along ratings and comments to JSA Programs Committee UG Board and JSA-generated initiatives: Board: Travel/meeting support, poster/thesis/postdoc awards JSA: Graduate student fellowships, Outstanding Nuclear Physicist award User initiatives: Junior scientist travel support, postdoc interview training, graduate student organization, child-care support for travel, etc.… Topical workshops, collaborative efforts
2014 JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize
Zhihong Ye (Duke) “SciFi tracker prototype for Proton Radius experiment in Hall B” Criteria: record of accomplishment in physics, planned high-impact JLab physics program, promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future. Presentation at the Users Meeting (38 minutes ago) Profiled in upcoming “On Target” story Thanks to UGBoD (judges) and to Jefferson Science Associates for funding this award
2014 JSA Thesis Prize Rakitha Beminiwattha (Syracuse) : “A Measurement of the Weak Charge of the Proton through Parity Violating Electron Scattering using the Qweak Apparatus: A 21% Result” – PhD Thesis, Ohio University UGBoD selected 3 finalists, final selection by judges: Bill Briscoe, Ron Ransome, Rocco Schiavilla Presentation at the Users Meeting (9 minutes ago) Profiled in upcoming “On Target” story Thanks to the UGBoD members, guest judges, and to JSA for funding this award
2014 UGM Poster Prizes Held annually during Users Meeting: 15 entries this year Judges: David Lawrence, Yordanka Illieva, Michael Pennington, and Dave Mack 2014 winners: Chao Peng (1st), Ekaterina Mastropa (2nd), and Michael Moore (3rd) Honorable mention: Holly Vance, Mongi Dlamini and Josh McGee Thanks to the judges, all of the entrants, and to JSA for funding Criteria: Poster quality (40%), presentation to judges (40%), total impact of work (20%)
JSA Graduate Student Fellowships
Supported by JSA Initiative Fund (JSA generated initiative) The fellowship winners are: John Hardin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Michael Williams, Advisor Emmanouil Kargiantoulakis, University of Virginia; Kent Paschke, Advisor Jie Liu, University of Virginia; Xiaochao Zheng, Advisor Marco Pannunzio Carmignotto, Catholic University of America; Tanja Horn, Advisor Chao Peng, Duke University; Haiyan Gao, Advisor Ye Tian, University of South Carolina; Ralf Gothe, Advisor Cheng-Ying Tsai, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mark Pitt, Advisor The students’ research proposals cover a broad scientific spectrum, including experimental physics and accelerator physics and technology. Hardin and Tian are repeat JSA fellowship recipients who currently are completing their academic year at Jefferson Lab.
Outreach Nuclear Physics day Capitol Hill visits (April) NUFO Science exhibition Capitol Hill (June) Users alerts relating to important issues: Budget, Helium reserve,… Want to support more and better contact between users and their representatives in congress by providing support for visits, letters (information, organization, etc…) Dipangkar Dutta is UGBoD member leading outreach efforts Strong support from Kent Paschke (former outreach member) and Sebastian Kuhn
Nuclear Physics Day - visit to Capitol Hill
Started last year; now an annual event (Late April/Early May) Organized by FRIB (MSU), RHIC (BSA) and JLab (JSA) and our respective users groups JLab participants, JLab participants Happy to have more users to participate in this event (including post-docs and grad students) Looking to see what support (information, organization) is available for users year-round [JLab, JSA, APS?]
Discussions with JLab Management
PAC41 – reprioritization PAC Board was asked for input on timing, options, impact on users Concern that replacing regular PAC would severely disrupt many users As presented at DNP meeting, JSA support allowed JLab to schedule two PAC meetings in 2014: reprioritization (May), new proposals (July) Jan 23 Users Group Board Meeting Restructuring discussed extensively with management Many concerns expressed by users. In the end, two key issues Limited communication of plans with users Concern about the way layoffs were executed Provided users summary of discussion, minutes and slides Very unfortunate, but driven by need to fit within long-term budget guidance Reminder of importance of successful 12 GeV startup, publicizing our physics, supporting strong NP budget
Budget FY14: Overall NP increase, in line with “modest growth scenario” Supports broad nuclear physics program at cost of reduced operations and research in the short term FY14 language requiring up-front funding and earmarks included put significant additional pressure on research funding and JLab operations FY15: President’s Budget has $24M increase over FY14 JLab operations ~$8M below level used for FY15 planning; significant impact on CEBAF running, ability to schedule physics running Longer term Unclear what will happen in out-year budgets; My understanding is that future guidance suggests running at ~50% of “optimized” operations. LRP implementation panel supported importance of 12 GeV physics Endorsed 2007 LRP recommendations – 12 GeV upgrade as #1 priority Recommended 12 GeV upgrade/operations under all scenarios considered Important to have sufficient operations funding to make efficient use of the investments made in the upgrade project
Recent UGBoD Activities
Plans to improve visibility of physics program JLab has broad program of hadronic physics, nuclear structure, fundamental symmetries, etc… not connected to a single central theme Identify/promote speakers who can provide broader perspective, aimed at the broader physics community (e.g. for your institutions colloquia) Work with lab to collect highlights, encourage publicizing new results Details still under discussion – input and ideas very welcome Possible changes to JLab UGBOD structure (preliminary discussions) Creation of ‘permanent’ subcommittees Communication, Outreach Allow overlap between outgoing and new members Proposed change in chair line Currently serve as Vice-chair, 2 years Chair, Past Chair Switch to following: Chair Elect, Vice Chair, Chair, Past Chair
Proposed Bylaw Changes [draft language]
Article V, Section 1: "The officers of the organization shall consists of a Chairperson, Chairperson-elect or Past-Chairperson, and Secretary/Treasurer." -----> "The officers of the organization shall consists of a Chairperson, Chairperson-elect, Vice Chairperson, Past-Chairperson, and Secretary/Treasurer." Article IV, Section 2: "The term of the Director designated as Chairperson-elect, who will succeed to the office of Chairperson at the end of one year, shall be four (4) years. " -----> "The term of the Director designated as Vice Chairperson shall be four (4) years. The Vice Chairperson will succeed to the office of Chairperson-elect, Chairperson, and Past Chairperson in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years, respectively.“ Article V, Section 2: (Duties of Officers) "Chairperson-Elect -In the absence of the Chairperson, the Chairperson-elect shall perform the duties of Chairperson. Otherwise he or she will provide assistance in conducting the affairs of the group as requested by the chairperson. The Chairperson-elect shall succeed to the office of Chairperson at the end of one year. " -----> Move this discussion to the description of the Chairperson, designating Chairperson-elect, Vice Chairperson, and then Past Chairperson as taking over the duties of the Chair as needed. Duties of these positions will be to assist in conducting the affairs of the group as requested by the chair. (May fix a typo or two that we found)
Upcoming activities Charge for new Long Range Plan delivered in April.
Nuclear Structure/Astrophysics: Aug 21-23, Texas A&M QCD: Aug (Hot QCD in parallel with Cold (hadrons)) Fundamental Symmetries: Sept 29-30 We must continue to advance our physics case for the 12 GeV program. It was strongly supported in the NSAC report on implementing the 2007 LRP, but the other communities will be working aggressively to promote their visions. We need to communicate the importance (and beauty) of our physics program in a way that is compelling to the broad community. We have an advanced design and compelling physics case for MEIC/EIC – we need to be sure to improve and present this case while at the same time having a strong start to the 12 GeV era! And in case I forgot… Complete the 12 GeV upgrade and make ground-breaking and transformative measurements
12 GeV Project Highlights
Hall D & Counting House Hall D Arc Magnets 12 GeV Cryomodules Hall B Drift Chamber Hall D Central Drift Chamber Hall C
Accelerator Commissioning Progress
2214 MeV 34 MeV 2R 0R E0 ~ 6.1 GeV PHMS ~ 2-3 GeV 1124 MeV CHL1, CHL2 operational Linacs at 2K North Linac – 1090 MeV South LINAC – 1090 MeV CEBAF GeV Optics, Magnets great 1R 2S KPP: machine capable of 12 GeV 1 pass at 2.2 GeV/pass for 8 hours with acceptable trip rate (50% uptime)
2014 Progress so far… and beyond??
24 22 20 18 16 14 12 2014 Progress so far… and beyond?? 12 10 8 6 4 2 R&D Magazine: “Scientists unleash highest-energy beam ever at Jefferson Lab” …and we’re not done yet! Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Today Feb 5: 2.2 GeV (1 pass) to BSY! Apr 1: 6.1 GeV to Hall A!! May 7: 10.5 GeV to Hall D!!!
Exciting (and very busy) times ahead
Users have many critical tasks already in progress: Continue analyzing rich harvest of 6 GeV data Support upgrade, build significant parts of new equipment Prepare and execute 12 GeV physics program Promoting the 12 GeV program Planning for longer term future Additional critical issues we need to be ready to address: Operations budget – maximizing output under highly constrained budgets, increasing funding Long range planning: 12 GeV, MEIC/EIC Final reminders Nomination forms and envelopes available (sign envelope!!) - recommending Rolf Ent for Member at-large of DNP executive INT workshops: Due July 17, 2014
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