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1 July 20, 2007 B oard of Trustees Meeting Focus Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "1 July 20, 2007 B oard of Trustees Meeting Focus Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 July 20, 2007 B oard of Trustees Meeting Focus Discussion

2 2 Fiscal Year 2007-2008 G eneral Fund Budget

3 3  Budget and Appropriations History ◦ Fiscal Year 2006-07 Total Operating Budget ◦ Fiscal Year 2006-07 General Fund Budget ◦ Appropriation funding history ◦ Budget reduction history  Fiscal Year 2006-07 One-time funding needs  Fiscal Year 2007-08 Base Budget needs  Tuition summary O verview

4 4 T otal Resources Operating Budget Total - $178.3 million

5 55 **This graph displays total resources net of Scholarships costs. T otal General Fund Resources Budget Total - $96.0 million

6 66 1981 1991 2001 2006 To maintain financial reporting consistency with fiscal years ’81, ’91, and ’01 data, financial aid was not deducted from ’06 tuition and fee revenue. T otal General Fund Resources

7 7 A ppropriation History (shown in 000,000’s) S tate Mandates * (shown in 000,000’s) * FY2003 appropriation after both Executive Orders and the State Supplemental * State mandates include Michigan Public School Employee Retirement System (MPSERS), Indian tuition waiver, minimum wage, and MI-OSHA requirements. A ppropriation 7

8 88 * Appropriation per FYES if NMU receives $4.2 million delayed appropriation ** Appropriation per FYES if NMU does not receive $4.2 million delayed appropriation A ppropriation per FYES

9 9 B udget Reduction History  General Fund budget cuts/reallocations of $13.8 million since 2003 ◦ FY2003-04: $6.5 million ◦ FY2004-05: $2.8 million ◦ FY2005-06: $1.5 million ◦ FY2006-07: $3.0 million  Organizational efficiency – consolidation of organization structure and increased productivity = lower cost ◦ 5 vice presidents to 2 ◦ 5 academic colleges to 3  NMU faculty and staff are the most productive among the 15 public universities (student-to-staff ratio)

10 10  FY2006-07 One-time funds ◦ Reduced payment of FY2006-07 appropriation ($807,000 or 1.7%) ◦ Delayed August 2007 payment of $4.2 million  FY2007-08 base budget ◦ Base appropriation reduction from FY2006-07 (1.7%) ◦ No further reduction in appropriation ◦ Return of $4.2 million delayed FY2006-07 appropriation payment in October 2007 G eneral Fund Budget Assumptions

11 11 Fiscal Year 2006-2007 G eneral Fund One-time Funding Needs

12 12 F Y2006-07 General Fund One-time Needs

13 13 Fiscal Year 2007-2008 G eneral Fund Budget

14 14 B ase Revenue Adjustments for FY2006-07 (adjusted for FY2007-08)

15 15 P rojected Cost Adjustments (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

16 16 B udget Reductions/Reallocations (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

17 17 S tate Mandate Increases (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

18 18 I nitiatives (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

19 19 Fiscal Year 2007-2008 T uition and Fees

20 20 Source: State of Michigan HEIDI Database Annual resident undergraduate tuition and fee rates * NMU includes portion of Freshmen Student Athletic Fee ** CMU Freshmen rate is $7,530 T uition and Fee Rates Fiscal Year 2006-2007

21 21 Source: Presidents Council Tuition and Fees Report Annual resident undergraduate tuition and fee rates T uition and Fee Percentage Increases Fiscal Year 2006-2007

22 22 Annual resident undergraduate tuition and fee increases per semester (based on media reports) T uition and Fee Semester Increases Fiscal Year 2007-2008 *For new students Fall 2007 **Fall 2006 to Fall 2007 Comparison (6.7% summer to fall)

23 23 T uition Guideline (Fiscal Year 2007-08) *The 10.% assumes NMU receives the $4.2 million delayed appropriation.

24 24 * Scenario 3: nonresident increase same dollar amount as resident G eneral Fund Budget Model Summary (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

25 25 A nnual Tuition and Fee Rates (Fiscal Year 2007-08)

26 26  Eliminate initiatives ($1.3 million)  $2.9 million balance – staffing and programming reductions and delayed university improvements and/or mid-year tuition and fee increase ◦ $2.9 million is the equivalent of eliminating 50 positions or an additional 6.3% in tuition and fees G eneral Fund Budget (if $4.2M is not received)

27 27  Competitive with our peers  Maintain quality, access, and affordability  Move forward with strategic initiatives T uition and Fees

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