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JANUARY 12, 2012. Subject2008- 2009 2009- 2010 2010- 2011 Change from previous year English89%85%89%+5% Math74%76%88%+12% History83%86%69%-17% Science74%

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Presentation on theme: "JANUARY 12, 2012. Subject2008- 2009 2009- 2010 2010- 2011 Change from previous year English89%85%89%+5% Math74%76%88%+12% History83%86%69%-17% Science74%"— Presentation transcript:

1 JANUARY 12, 2012

2 Subject2008- 2009 2009- 2010 2010- 2011 Change from previous year English89%85%89%+5% Math74%76%88%+12% History83%86%69%-17% Science74% 83%+9% * Results as of May 31, 2011

3 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. Algebra I63%84%95%+9% Geometry72%73%78%+5% Algebra II88%74%94%+20%

4 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. Writing91%83%91%+8% Reading89%87% 0

5 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. Earth Science61%70%82%+12% Biology76%75%86%+11% Chemistry94%81%92%+11%

6 2009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. World History I 71%78%64%-14% World History II 97%96%72%-24% Virginia US Government 92%91%72%-19%

7 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. African American Achievement 66%68%82%+14% Special Education 45%59%67%+8%

8 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year African American Students 79%80%82%+2% Special Education 52%57%60%+3

9 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. African American 61%66%77%+11% Special Education 45%50%55%+5%

10 2008-20092009-20102010-2011Change from previous year. African American 74%78%58%-20% Special Education 49%85%45%-40%

11  Gains were seen in all academic areas, except history.  Gains were seen in African American Achievement in all areas except history; however, an achievement gap still exists.  Minor gains were seen in regards to Special Education achievement; however, more improvement was needed in this area. Extensive gaps are evident between students with disabilities and general education students.

12  Teachers received feedback through observations.  Benchmark Data was analyzed closely.  Students who needed remediation were identified by benchmark data.  Teachers were held accountable for benchmark data.  Remediation was provided for struggling students.  Recognition was given for students who demonstrated academic achievement.

13 2008-20092009-20102010-11Change from previous year Overall Attendance 93%92% 0% African American 92%91%92%+1% Students Disabilities 90%88%91%+3%

14  A division attendance policy was created.  Toward the end of the year, some incentives were given for attendance.

15  Benchmark data continues to be analyzed closely.  Benchmark tests continue to be used to identify students in need of remediation.  Students continue to be recognized for Academic Achievement.  The English pacing guides have been modified to integrate Istation to differentiate classroom instruction.

16  Some changes have been made in regards to personnel.  Math Teachers receive on going and embedded professional development from school staff and consultants.  Cambridge has provided common priorities training for identified areas of need.  A more specific process of remediation has become more targeted based on data.

17 2010-112011-12 August97.21%94% September93.78%94% October93.37%94% November92.63%93% December87.82%94% January91.91?

18  The new attendance policy has been implemented at PECHS.  Incentives have been created for attendance.  Attendance has been made a priority in the school and the community.  Students who have chronic attendance are addressed in accordance to the new attendance policy.

19 2008-20092009-20102010- 2011 Change from previous year Weapons Offenses 147+3 Offenses Against Student 61219+7 Offenses Against Staff 814 0 Other Offenses Against Persons 7667 0 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Offenses 163433 Property Offenses5810+2 Disorderly or Disruptive Behavior Offenses 190143230+87 Technology Offenses18717+10 All Other Offenses957318-55

20 2008-20092009-20102010-112011-2012 Manifestation Determination Meetings 4830116

21 School Business LeaveSick Days 2009-2010116192 2010-201184172 2011-2012110258

22 disagreeneitheragreed Teachers are centrally involved in decision making about important educational issues. 81.7%4.1%14.3% Teachers have a role in school improvement planning. 38.8%14.3%47% Teachers are to high professional standards for delivering instruction. 28.6%8.2%63.3% Teachers at this school receive feedback based on evaluations that can help them improve instruction 34.7%14.3%51%

23 disagreeneitheragreed The school leadership makes a sustained effort to address teacher concerns about empowerment 53.1%28.6%18.3% Overall my school is a good place to work and learn 61.3%12.2%26.5%

24  While PECHS has made significant gains in regard to student achievement, teachers still do not feel empowered.  Teacher attendance is a concern.  An increase was seen in disciplinary referrals.

25  There has been an intense focus on academic achievement at PECHS.  As a result, an increase in Academic Achievement has occurred at PECHS.  An increase in attendance has been seen this year.  PECHS has been renovated physically is some areas.

26  The are still clear areas need in regards to instruction.  Differentiated Instruction  Rigor  Not all teachers have taken ownership for transformation.  Subgroup achievement continues to be a concern.  To increase a sense of efficacy, teachers should be involved more in the transformation process.

27  Personal Services  Internal Lead Partner  Student Data Specialist  Purchased Services  Cambridge Education  Professional Development  Materials  Student Incentives for Attendance and Academic Achievement  New classroom furniture

28 Model StrandsLevel of Implementation A. Creation & Use of District TeamPartial Implementation B. Enabling School AutonomyPartial Implementation C. Principal & Hiring TeachersHigh Implementation D. Stakeholder Engagement Emerging Implementation E. Creation & Use of School TeamHigh Implementation F. Leading ChangePartial Implementation G. Evaluating, rewarding, removing staff Partial Implementation H. Professional DevelopmentPartial Implementation I. Learning TimePartial Implementation J. Reforming InstructionPartial Implementation

29  Teacher resistance due to change  Community perception  Changing the culture from punishment to discipline

30  PECHS will instill rigor in all academic areas to meet changes as they occur in Standards of Learning.  PECHS will meet the requirement for attendance.  PECHS will increase the on time graduation rate.

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