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Essential Nutrients Sydney Oslund Computers 8 Block B.

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1 Essential Nutrients Sydney Oslund Computers 8 Block B

2 Carbohydrates Give your body energy to move Protects your muscles Two types: Simple, Complex Simple: found in fruits, candies, and dairy Complex: found in grain products

3 Fat Energy that is stored in the body Helps in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and producing hormones Two kinds: Saturated & Unsaturated Unsaturated: healthy fats, raise good cholesteral, in nuts, seafood, vegetables Saturated: Unheathy fats, raise bad cholesteral, in dairy, meat, eggs

4 Protein Helps body grow, and repairs damaged cells Vital for almost every process that occurs in body Like metalbolism, digestion, oxegen, and transportation of nutrients Found in: meat, seafood, dairy products

5 Fibre Helps your diegestive system work efficently Two types: soluble and insoluble Soluble-(vegetables,fruits,nuts,oats/grains) helps lower cholesterol Insoluble- (nuts, vegetables, grains) helps with constipation

6 Vitamins Different vitamins help do vital roles in your body Two types: fat soluble and water soluble Fat souble: Vitamins are stored in the fat tissues and used when needed Found in: A, D, E, and K Water souble: Travel though bloodstream, need to be replaced often. Found in:C, B vitamins, B1, B2, B6, B12.

7 Minerals Minerals help the body grow, and perform tasks to make your body healthy Two types: macrominerals and trace minerals Macrominerals: Needed in larger amounts Found in: calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfur. Microminerals: Needed in trace amounts Found in:iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium

8 Water Water is our life! Every cell needs it Flushes unwanted toxins from body Prevents cancers, dieseases, constipation Transports oxegen Provides nutrients for whole body Humans can live only 2 days without water Brain, lungs and muscles contain a lot of water

9 Bibliography l l ml http://ki tml

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