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Setting the Stage: Turn of the 20th Century

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1 Setting the Stage: Turn of the 20th Century
Industrial Revolution and Imperialism

2 Journal: Why study history? What tools do we use to study history?

3 20th century began with great promise
Technology, inventions Wright Brothers, 1903 Edison, Ford Science Darwin, Mendel, Marie Curie, Freud Mass culture and entertainment

4 However… One of the deadliest centuries in human history
Some stats: About 180 million people killed from war in the 20th century Genocide, nuclear threats Contradiction between this and greater democratization and human rights

5 Three Major Themes/Ideas
Industrialization: Growth of industries for the machine production of goods Nationalism: Belief in loyalty to one’s nation (people with a shared culture and history) Imperialism: Strong nations dominating weaker nations politically, economically, or socially

6 Journal Does technology and machinery improve or worsen our lives? Why? Defend your answer.

7 Industrialization Look at the map on pg. 281:
Which countries do you think industrialized first? Why? What factors lead to industrialization?

8 The Industrial Revolution
Why a revolution? Began in England in the 1700’s Agriculture: Enclosures Improved farming techniques Movement to cities (urbanization) Industrialization Machine mass production of goods Requires land, labor, capital, and natural resources Good economy (banking) and political stability Textile production  from new inventions Improvements in transportation Steam driven trains on railroads (1830’s)

9 Progress and Plight Urbanization: Growth of cities Working class:
Factories near water sources Working class: Poor living conditions Poor working conditions Growth of the middle class Long-term effects: Improved standard of living, access to consumer goods

10 Spread of Industrialization
Spreads to U.S., Germany, France Gap between industrialized and nonindustrialized countries leads to imperialism Need for raw materials Potential markets for products Long-term: Longer lifespans, better health, greater wealth in industrialized nations Growth of a middle class leads to increased participation in democracy and social reforms

11 Today

12 Reforms Unionization Child labor laws Abolition of slavery
Collective bargaining Strikes Child labor laws Abolition of slavery Women’s rights Education

13 “The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire”
Journal #3 It was said that… “The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire” What do you know about the British Empire? Take a guess: what do you think this quote means? Hint: Look at the map on pg. 337 of your textbook

14 British Empire at the Height of its Power
¼ of world’s pop.

15 Rule, Britannia! Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves Britons never, never, never shall be slaves. Britannia rule the waves.

16 Imperialism: Essential Questions
What were the motives of the colonizers? How did the imperialists control and manage their colonies? What were the effects of imperialism? How did Japan end its isolation and begin to modernize?

17 Journal #4 If you wanted to control someone smaller or weaker than you, how could you do it? What methods might you use? What might happen to them after you have dominated their lives? Is this ever morally justified?

18 Forms of control The Name of the Game: Empire Building
Types of imperialism: Colony: Foreign power governs Protectorate: Foreign power controls government Sphere of influence: Foreign power has trade privileges Economic Imperialism: Foreign business controls econ. Forms of control: Direct: No self-rule, no local leaders in government Indirect: Limited self-rule of local leaders

19 Conflicts African resistance: Zulus and British
Europeans: Boers, British, and Africans in South Africa Boer War: British won Limited control (British) vs. direct control (French) Legacy: Positive and Negative Consequences Political divisions, artificial boundaries Breakdown of family, culture Loss of land, disease, deaths from rebellions Economic expansion

20 Vocabulary: Racism Social Darwinism Paternalism Assimilation
Directions: Choose a vocabulary word above and complete the Frayer Model graphic organizer

21 Scramble for Africa Imperialism: Seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country Belgium takes the Congo (1880’s) How? Steamboats and maxim gun Quinine to combat malaria Exploiting diversity of African groups Berlin Conference ( )

22 Africa Before and After

23 Berlin Conference Simulation
Order for choosing territory: 1. Portugal 2. Spain 3. Britain 4. France 5. Belgium 6. Germany 7. Italy

24 Journal #5 How successful do you believe your country will be in achieving your goals at today’s Berlin Conference? Explain.

25 Journal #6: Where in the World?
Guess the country! Explain your guess. Clues: The world’s largest democracy Main religions: Hindus (80%) Muslims (13%) Other (Christian, Sikh): 7% 16 official languages, including English Capital city is New Delhi Raise your hand if you would like one extra hint!

26 Answer: India

27 Europeans in the Middle East
Decline of the Ottoman Empire Geopolitics: Taking strategically located land Crimean War: Britain, France, Ottomans prevent Russia from taking Black Sea territory “Great Game” between Britain and Russia over Afghanistan Egypt modernizes: Suez Canal leads to British control of Egypt Russian, British spheres of interest in Persia—for oil

28 Southeast Asia Dutch East India Company in Indonesia
Rubber plantations and other cash crops British in Malaysia French in Indochina (Vietnam) Rice production Siam (Thailand) remained independent King Mongkut plays France and Britain and modernizes US in the Philippines, Hawaii (interest in sugar) Hawaii annexed in 1898

29 Imperialism in India Decline of Mughal Empire in the 1700s
British make deals with maharajahs British East India Company sets up trading posts Cash crops: Tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, and opium to trade with China (for tea) “Jewel in the crown” of colonies What does this mean? Decline in local handloom textile industry

30 Sepoy Rebellion (1857) Sepoy Mutiny/India’s First War of Independence led to the Raj (direct British government control) Sepoys: Indian soldiers Upset by a rumor that new cartridges for rifles would use cow and pig fat Problem for the rebellion: the division between Hindus and Muslims Film Study: Mangel Pandey, The Rising

31 Questions for viewing the film
1. Why is Mangal Pandey considered India’s first national hero? 2. What does Mangal Pandey mean when he says, “We are all untouchables in our own land”? Untouchables: Lowest caste of Indian society 3. What does Captain William Gordon warn will happen if the British execute Mangal Pandey?

32 Journal #7 Do you think that there are any countries that are imperialistic today? Why or why not?

33 Japanese Imperialism Europeans were not the only imperialists
Matthew Perry and the Treaty of Kanagawa (1854) ends Japanese isolation and opens ports for trade Meiji emperor modernizes the country Industry, education, military buildup Becomes the strongest military power in Asia and sought to control neighbors, especially Korea

34 Conflicts Sino-Japanese War (1895): Japan vs. China in Korea Results:
Japan drives Chinese out of Korea, gains land in Manchuria Gains colonies in Taiwan Russo-Japanese War (1905): Japan vs. Russia in Manchuria and Korea Japan drives Russia out of Korea and holds Manchuria


36 Japan in Korea 1905: Made Korea a protectorate
1910: Annexed Korea, bringing them officially under Japan’s control Forced Koreans to assimilate to Japanese culture Unfair treatment of Koreans leads to a strong nationalist movement

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