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Lesson 5.2 EbD Budget Design 1 ® ®. Essential Question: ® What are the projected costs of the project to complete and what will need to be purchased?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5.2 EbD Budget Design 1 ® ®. Essential Question: ® What are the projected costs of the project to complete and what will need to be purchased?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5.2 EbD Budget Design 1 ® ®

2 Essential Question: ® What are the projected costs of the project to complete and what will need to be purchased?

3 Lesson 5.2 Budget Design Overview 3. Applying STEM standards to Service- Learning Projects 2. Video- The Secret of Trees 1.Class Basics Notebook Line of Learning NGSS and Common Core Standards 4. Brainstorming: Application of Skills sets ® 5. Reflection

4 Prepare your notebook Table of contents ®

5 Standards Statement ® Students will be able to analyze the solution that they have determined for their service-learning project and determine specific tasks and estimate the cost of the materials needed to complete those task. Standards: NGSS HS. Engineering Design HS-ETS1-1. HS-ETS1-2, HS-ETS1-3 ETS1.b: The Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices: MP.2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP.4 Model with mathematics.

6 Engaging Prior Knowledge ® Why is it important for a service-learning project to have a budget?  Discuss with your group and add brainstorming ideas in your notebook.

7 What is Needed? ® Why a Budget?  Helps you know how much money you need  Think in detail  Prioritize activities and compare costs  Help determine needs for financial assistance  Help secure money for the project

8 ® Application of Flow Chart and SWOT to Specifications Discussion:  Use the information from your flow chart to determine a budget.

9 ® Budget  What are the specifications that we have already gathered?

10 ® Budget Document  Discuss the parts of the budget form.  The budget form is interactive.  Helps keep track of expenditures.

11 ® Budget Document  Discuss the parts of the budget form.

12 ® Determine Budget  Use the Internet and other resources to be able to determine prices for project items.  Remember to think about the cost of shipping and handling in your budget

13 ® Share out  What are some questions you can ask your team mates about the budget that might help with your planning?

14 Questions?? ® ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

15 Reflection Have you..  created a projected budget for the project that reflected the tasks and the project’s specifications and requirements?  Did this activity help you determine more information specifically the cost of the project that will be used to further guide planning?  Used mathematical practices to determine a well- defined budget for the project and further evaluate the needs of the community and prioritize spending? ®

16 Notebook Check 5.2 Budget Sheet Entry in notebook Project Budget Lesson Artifacts ®

17 Exit Slip Answer the Questions on the sheet If you have further questions write them on the back ®

18 Lesson 5.2 EbD Budget Design 18 ® ®

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