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Peroxycarboxylic acids deliver oxygen atoms to double bonds. Peroxycarboxylic acids have the general formula: These compounds react with double bonds because.

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Presentation on theme: "Peroxycarboxylic acids deliver oxygen atoms to double bonds. Peroxycarboxylic acids have the general formula: These compounds react with double bonds because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peroxycarboxylic acids deliver oxygen atoms to double bonds. Peroxycarboxylic acids have the general formula: These compounds react with double bonds because one of the oxygen atoms is electrophilic. The resulting products are an oxacyclopropane and a carboxylic acid.

2 This reaction is referred to as an “epoxidation.” The older common name of an oxacyclopropane was an “epoxide.” Commonly used peroxycaraboxylic acids for this reaction are meta- chloroperoxybenzoic acid (MCPBA) which is somewhat shock sensitive, and magnesium monoperoxyphthalate (MMPP).

3 The mechanism of this epoxidation reaction involves a cyclic transition state: The peroxycarboxylic acid reactivity with double bonds increases with alkyl substitution, allowing for selective oxidations:

4 Hydrolysis of oxacyclopropanes furnishes the products of anti dihydroxylation of an alkene. Ring opening of oxacyclopropanes with water produces anti vicinal diols.

5 Vicinal Syn Dihydroxylation with Osmium Tetroxide 12-11 The reaction of osmium tetroxide with alkenes yields syn vicinal diols in a two step process:

6 The reaction mechanism involves the concerted addition of the osmium tetroxide to the  bond of the alkene: Catalytic amounts of osmium tetroxide in the presence of an oxidizing agent (H 2 O 2 ) to regenerate the spent osmium tetroxide are often used, due to the expense and toxicity of OsO 4.

7 An older reagent for vicinal syn dihydroxylation of alkenes is KMnO 4. This reagent is less useful than OsO 4 because of its tendency towards overoxidation. The deep purple KMnO 4 is converted into a brown precipitate, (MnO 2 ) during the reaction, which can serve as a useful test for the presence of alkenes.

8 Oxidative Cleavage: Ozonolysis 12-12 The mildest reagent capable of breaking both the  and  bonds in a double bond is ozone, O 3. This process is known as “ozonolysis.” Ozone is produced by an electrical discharge in dry oxygen in a instrument called an ozonator. The initial product of the reaction of ozone with an alkene is an ozonide which is then directly reduced to two carbonyl products.

9 Radical Additions: Anti-Markovnikov Product Formation 12-13 Hydrogen bromide can add to alkenes in anti-Markovnikov fashion: a change in mechanism. The reaction products from the treatment of 1-butene with HBr depend upon the presence or absence of molecular oxygen in the reaction mixture:

10 In the presence of oxygen, a radical chain sequence mechanism leads to the anti- Markovnikov product. Small amounts of peroxides (RO-OR) are formed in alkene samples stored in the presence of air (O 2 ). The peroxides initiate the radical chain sequence mechanism, which is much faster than the ionic mechanism operating in the absence of peroxides.

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