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Project Bosnia. The Vision An Internet-based legal system for Bosnia fostering a rule of law, promoting a civil society.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Bosnia. The Vision An Internet-based legal system for Bosnia fostering a rule of law, promoting a civil society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Bosnia

2 The Vision An Internet-based legal system for Bosnia fostering a rule of law, promoting a civil society

3 Rationale F Legal institutions must exchange information, but –no libraries –few printing presses F Compensate by building Internet-based legal infrastructure F Internet and email already symbol of freedom F Infrastructure is infrastructure –strengthen free press –improve efficiency of government –broaden citizen participation –improve markets

4 Constitutional Court/ Ombudsman/elections Internet Judge 3 Judge 1Judge 2Attorney Clerk Defendant VULSCEELI Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, Russian Cts. Server Ombudsman H.Rts. Orgs. OSCE voting kiosk

5 What’s left to be done?

6 Internet Service Providers in Bosnia terminal server router modem pool & dial-up lines Internet Service Provider (ISP) cellular or terrestrial public telephone system Internet clients account?

7 Making the vision real F Get PCs in the hands of judges, legislators, lawyers, law students, journalists and NGOs –collect PCs in the U.S. –identify recipients & ship to Bosnia –mobilize other sources, e.g. World Bank, USIS F Connect PCs –get adequate telephone connections –build Internet service providers (ISPs) F Technology is not enough

8 Accomplishments F Enlisted support from Bosnian and U.S. government officials F Acquired Pentiums for Constitutional Court and Ombudsman; connecting to Intranet server now F Wrote software for Constitutional Court F Arranged for dialup Internet service F Shipped and configured 35 donated computers F Framed elements of telecommunications policy F Began dialogue on open government/Freedom of Information

9 Accomplishments - continued F Matched USG sources of support with Bosnian recipients –legal institutions –entrepreneurs F Recruited and screened Bosnian entrepreneurs for startup ISPs F Organized externship programs (2 in Spring 1997) F Sent two law students as election monitors

10 Next steps F Identify second ISP –“Project Bosnia server” –PTT? –Private? F Get accounts established F Continue to build legal content


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