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National Academy of Public Administration: Getting Results Intergovernmental Collaboration in G eospatial One Stop John Moeller Staff Director Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "National Academy of Public Administration: Getting Results Intergovernmental Collaboration in G eospatial One Stop John Moeller Staff Director Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Academy of Public Administration: Getting Results Intergovernmental Collaboration in G eospatial One Stop John Moeller Staff Director Federal Geographic Data Committee

2 The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) 17 Cabinet and Executive Level Agencies Chaired by DOI, Vice Chair - OMB Coordination of Geographic Data at Federal level Federal Leadership for National Spatial Data Iinfrastructure & Geospatial One Stop Includes participation of many Stakeholders from State, Local and Tribal governments, private sector and academia

3 Population Growth Washington, DC - Baltimore Issues Affecting Nations, Communities & Citizens - Happen in Places Emergency Response Wild Fire Management

4 Geospatial Data Some Examples Field MeasurementsMaps Remotely-sensed ImagesSpatially-referenced Data

5 Government Uses of Geographic Information  Geographic information is a valuable national resource  80% of government data has a spatial component  Some of lines of government business that collect/use geographic information  Public health and safety, emergency response  Managing natural resources, protecting the environment  Improving transportation, housing, community services  Addressing economic, social, demographic issues  Providing mapping and location based services  Performance Management

6 Government Uses of Geographic Information  Other levels of governments have equal or greater needs  State and local governments are estimated to have twice the volume of Federal geospatial data  Can’t effectively do E-Gov and Homeland Security without geospatial information

7 Issues  Organizations increasingly need to share geographic information to achieve their missions  Standardized base geospatial data is not consistently available from local, state, federal and commercial sources  Existing Geographic data often is hard to find and access  Information describing data is not universally available  Financial resources are limited and difficult to align

8 Issues  Data sharing across organizations is inconsistent  The number of government units that may benefit from improved geospatial information collection/use is huge (the 1997 Census of Governments identified over 87,000 Independent Federal, State, and Local Government entities in the US)

9 The National Spatial Data Infrastructure n OMB Circular A-16 and EO 12906 l Develop and implement spatial data resource for nation l Reduce duplication of effort l Promote effective management by all levels of government l Improve the acquisition, distribution and use of geographic information l Stakeholder collaboration - public private partnerships (State, local, tribal, Pvt, Academic) l Federal leadership provided by the FGDC

10 NSDI - What Is It ? Public Policies - Access for Data, Data Sharing, Privacy Protection, Reduce Duplication, Use Effective Business Practices (Unify and Simplify) Technology - NSDI Clearinghouse, Interoperable Geoprocessing, Standards Based DSS Technology Standards - Metadata, Framework Data Content and other Data Standards Resources - Partnerships, Collaboration, Leverage Investments

11 NSDI Vision Current and accurate geographic information is readily available locally, nationally, and internationally… An Infrastructure for improved public and private sector use of geospatial data for better decision making

12 Vision of Geospatial One-Stop To spatially enable the delivery of government services

13 Project Goals  Provide fast, low cost, reliable access to Geospatial Data needed for government operations via a G2G web portal for geospatial information  Facilitate G2G geospatial interactions needed for vertical missions such as Homeland Security  Facilitate the alignment of roles, responsibilities and resources  Obtain multi- sector input for geographic information standards to create consistency needed for interoperability and to stimulate market development of tools

14 One Stop Modules Focus of Geo One Stop is to accelerate development and implementation of NSDI technology, policies and standards that support “one-stop” access  Develop consensus data standards and models for base data requirements  Document current Framework data holdings in Clearinghouse  Document planned Framework data collection in Clearinghouse  Develop interoperable Web services  Design and implement a comprehensive government to government web portal for geospatial information

15 Current Model Data Producer Data User Data User Data User Data User Data User NSDI Gateway Portal

16 Future Model Local Governments Federal Government State Governments Tribal Governments Civilian Sector DoD Commercial Sector Local Users DoD Users Tribal Users State Users National Policy Makers Commercial Users Civilian Users International Users Federal Users Geospatial One-Stop Portal Other standards- based portals

17 Geospatial One Stop What are the Outcomes ? l All levels of government have better, faster, less expensive access to reliable data to expedite citizen service l Improved ability to leverage and align resources for data acquisition partnerships and reuse of accessible geospatial data l All E-Gov Initiatives are spatially enabled through data and functional capability from Geospatial One-Stop l Homeland Security and Government Mission needs are supported with geospatial information

18 Geospatial One Stop Intergovernmental Focus: Collaborative efforts to address Technical, Institutional and Financial Barriers through:Collaborative efforts to address Technical, Institutional and Financial Barriers through: Federal Agencies Federal Agencies State, Local and Tribal Governments State, Local and Tribal Governments Non-Governmental Strategic Partnerships Non-Governmental Strategic Partnerships I-Teams I-Teams FGDC Cooperating Groups FGDC Cooperating Groups

19 Federal Agencies n Geospatial One Stop Principal Partners: Managing Partner - Department of the Interior l Department of the Interior: USGS, BLM l Department of Commerce: Census Bureau, NOAA l Department of Transportation l NASA l EPA l FEMA l Department of Agriculture: NRCS, USFS, FSA l Department of Defense: NIMA, USACE

20 Federal Agencies n Other Participants: l Energy l HUD l Justice l State l HHS l Library of Congress l NARA l NSF l TVA l GSA

21 State, Local and Tribal Governments n National States Geographic Information Council n National Association of State CIO’s n Western Governors Association n National Governors Association n National Association of Counties n National League of Cities n International City/County Managers Assoc. n Public Technology Inc. n Intertribal GIS Council

22 Non-Government Strategic Partnerships n Open GIS Consortium n University Consortium for Geographic Information Sciences n GeoData Alliance n Geospatial Information & Technology Association n Spatial Technologies Industry Association n Professional Associations

23 Other FGDC Partnership Activities n I-Teams A joint project of the FGDC and OMB to assist all levels of government and private sector align geographic information needs and resources: l 26 state based teams are active l 13 others are forming n FGDC Cooperating Groups Cooperative efforts among to further the development and implementation of practices for improved use of geographic information l 32 State GIS Councils are participating

24 A Network of Partnerships

25 Wrap up and Conclusions

26 Intergovernmental Collaboration In Geospatial One Stop  Ensures input and representation of all levels of government and sectors in Geospatial One Stop:  Balanced participation on Standards Teams  Input, review and approval includes local, state & federal  Implementation of Standards across all levels  Participation in Portal Requirements and Design  Geospatial One Stop Portal will be used to access data holdings and collaborate on data collection plans  Leverage resources and funding  Simplify and unify programs and initiatives to accomplish multiple objectives  Expand existing relationships and build new ones

27 To find out more.… - Federal Geographic Data Committee 590 National Center, Reston, Virginia 20192 703-648-5514 703-648-5755 (f)

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